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"She's sleeping, babe. She refused to tell us when she arrived. She said that she'll tell us when we arrive at our house but she passed out on the couch the moment we arrived." I told Aku on the other side.

"Just wait for her. When she wakes up, give her lots of fruits. You'll know soon enough. I promise." He answered.

"Are you sure? You know that she is as important as you are. Andrea is also worried. Actually, she's here beside me, listening to our conversation." I looked at Andrea.

"Hey, future brother-in-law." Andrea greeted; my face flushed.

"Hey, future sister-in-law." Aku greeted back; my face got even redder. Andrea grabbed the phone from my hand.

"Aku, I'm worried." The worry was evident in her voice.

"Andre's phone is connected to a speaker, right?" I heard Aku sigh.

"Yeah. Why?" Andrea asked.

"Put the speaker near Tori." I did what he said.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Cover your ears." I didn't even get a chance to ask why when he suddenly screamed.


Tori immediately sat up and whipped her head to where she heard Aku's voice. When she saw the speaker, she raised her head and stood up. She grabbed the phone from Andrea and disconnected my phone from the speaker.

"Why the fuck are you waking me up?" She said into the phone.

I couldn't hear what Aku was saying so I nudged Andrea and gestured for her to give them some space. She nodded at me and we left the living room.

I acted like I passed out on the couch the moment we arrived at the twins' house so I wouldn't have to tell them the truth.

I didn't realize that I already fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of Aku's loud voice.

I whipped my head to where I heard it, seeing a speaker. I looked up and saw the twins looking at me. Andrea was holding a phone so I grabbed it from her, assuming that Aku was still on the other side. I disconnected the phone from the speaker.

"Why the fuck are you waking me up?" I faced my back to the twins.

"I should have known that you would do that." I heard a door open and close. I looked behind me- seeing no one there, I sat down on the couch.

"You're one to talk. You told Andre without my consent. What did you tell him?"

"Will you get mad?" He said.

"It doesn't matter if I get mad or not. You're miles away from me so I can't do anything." I yawned.

"You can spill mine and Andre's relationship to the world. He's famous so it would easily spread." I groaned.

"You know I wouldn't do that."

"I know. I'm just saying that its a possibility." He laughed.

"Stop changing the fucking subject, Aku." I barked. There was silence on the other side.

"I told him that part of your reason was to see them after so many years, that that was only a quarter of your real reason." He answered quietly.

"What did he say?" I asked, referring to Andre.

"He asked what your real reason was."

"And you told him?" I accused.

"Of course, not. I told him that you would tell them when you arrive."

"Then I'll just tell them I'm pregnant." I said after thinking.

"I'd rather you'd not. They'll eventually find out through me, so if you don't want to explain twice, then you'd better tell them now." I mumbled a 'fine' and hung up on him.

I laid down on the couch, thinking of a way to tell them without me crying.

I guess I should just tell them. Shouldn't be too hard.

I stood up, walking to the door. I stepped out of the living room, walking into a music room. The twins aren't here so I searched the house.

I finally found them on the roof.

Their backs were turned to me, they were sitting on a bench and they were leaning forward, outlooking the view. It looks like they haven't noticed me arrive because they were still conversing.

"You think she'll tell us?" Andrea fixed her hair that flew everywhere because of the wind that just blew.

"I don't know, Drea." The twins fell into silence after Andre said that.

I gathered up my courage.

"Do you want to know now?" I spoke out loud. The twins looked at me.

I sat down between them.

"I think I'm pregnant." I started.

"I had a little sister, her name was Rose. She supposedly died in a car accident years ago. Finding out that she didn't really die that day was a miracle to me. Luke said that his family found Rose, abandoned in an alley, her head was bleeding and she had no memories when she was healed. Luke's parents adopted Rose and named her Amanda. A few months after my therapy to forget Rose and cure myself from my mental illness, I met Luke. We had sleepover's every Friday, so when I stayed at school one Friday afternoon, Luke decided to kill time and wait for me at our house. Mom and dad showed him pictures of me, in one picture, he saw Rose and I playing in the backyard so he quickly pointed and said 'Hey! That's my sister.'. After finding out, I came back to my secret spot to scream and cry. Luke followed after me, there I told him that I felt like there were still secrets. He said that if I felt that way, then I should ask my parents because they already told me what they knew. I went back home after Luke and I sat in peace. I found out that my mom isn't Rose's biological mother. Rose was born out of a surrogate mother. When the surrogate mother found out that Rose was in the hospital, she called my parents saying that she wanted Rose back. Obviously, my parents refused. She paid the doctor to say that Rose was dead and 10 days later, Luke's family found Rose. 9 years later, Rose died as Amanda." I let it all out in one go.

"Any questions?" I added.

"I have a hundred questions but that can wait." Andre said.

"Me too, but I want to know who, how, when, and where you did it. You said you were pregnant, right?" Andrea asked.

"I did it with Luke, my boyfriend. I walked out on Aku, Maria and Luke when they were supposed to tell me everything the first time. I went to my secret spot; my secret spot has a pond and a waterfall. I swim naked everytime I go there. I said that I would be back in an hour but I lost track of time so they sent Luke to get me. When Luke arrived, he saw me, he also stripped and when I saw him I broke down. He carried me out the water, we were both still naked. We kissed and it just happened." I explained.

"Oh." Andrea said.

"Here's your phone, Andre." I took his phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

The second that his fingers touched the phone, it rung.

"Its Aku." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Hello?" He answered it, putting it on speaker mode.

"Did she tell you everything already?" Aku said.

"Yes, I did." I answered.

"Good. So I'll call you later when nobody is with you. I love you, Dre." Aku hung up.

I punched his arm playfully.

"Now I know who's walking with Aku on my wedding." I laughed.

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