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"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath when Tori left.

"15 minutes, Luke. Then you go." Aku said, looking at the door.

I stood up and left the house, not saying a word.

I rode on my car, driving to where Tori is.

I quickly got off my car and ran to Tori's spot.

"Tori?" She's nowhere in sight.

Suddenly I heard a scream- not the panicked kind. It came from the top of the waterfall, but I can't see a person.

How the fuck do I get up there?

I looked at my surroundings. Tori's spot is surrounded with trees which hid it very well, it also looked like the Earth is trying to hide this place. This place looked like its being partly hugged by the mountain then the trees did a good job in hiding it. At the back, it would look like a normal mountain.

I went to the lowest part of the mountain and started to climb.

I heard another scream. This time, I'm sure its Tori. The voice is getting clearer as I get closer to the top.

"Tori!" I yelled, seeing as she was too close to the edge.

She whipped her head to the sound of my voice. Tears were streaming down her face and her eyes are puffy. She dropped to her knees and covered her face; I ran to her.

"I feel like you're still keeping something from me." She sobbed.

"Tori, we already told you everything that we know. But if you feel that way, then you should ask your parents." I looked at her. She nodded.

"Can you stop crying?" I wiped her tears.

She took deep breaths. I made her lean her head on my chest but she pulled away.

"Its uncomfortable." She laughed, wiping her tears.

"What do you want me to do?" I chuckled. She pretended to think.

"Sit down with your legs stretched." I did what she said.

"Now what?" She laid her head on my lap.

"Now you stay quiet while I relish in the moment." I chuckled.

I took a deep breath and started to brush my fingers through her hair.

"I love you, Luke." My body tensed, I was caught off guard.

"I love you too." I said after I regained my composure.

I heard her sigh happily. I resumed brushing my fingers through her hair.

"Thank you, Luke. For everything." I kissed him on the lips.

"I will do anything for you." He said after the kiss.

I nodded and went in the house, but before I could close it, he held onto my hand.

"Do you want me to be there with you?" I shook my head.

"I want you to wait for me at our spot, on the mountain. But could you explain what happened to Maria and Aku first? I don't want them to worry." He nodded.

"Oh! If the girls are there, do not tell them anything." I reminded.

"What if Aku and Maria already told them?" He asked.

"They haven't. I'm sure. But they'll probably tell them that we made love." I answered.

"Okay then." He kissed me on the forehead then left.

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