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I pulled out my phone from my pocket and called Aku.


"Where are you?"

"I'm in Luke's room at your house."

I hung up and walked to Luke's room.

"You knew," I accused him. "You knew all along and you didn't tell me."

"Why?" My voice broke as I spoke.


"Aku, I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything." I cut him off.


"I thought you cared about me-"

"I do care about you!" He yelled at me. He stood up and hugged me, tightly. At this point, I lost all my strength and all my anger was replaced by sadness; I was sobbing on his chest.

"Tori, never doubt that I care about you. I care about you more than myself." I hugged him back.

"I have my reasons for not telling you. Its because I care that we never told you." He told me.

"Tori, Aku is right. Aku, your parents, and I care about you more than ourselves. We care about you, which is why we never told you." Luke joined our conversation.

"What happened to me?" I pulled away from Aku. Luke walked to me and wiped my tears.

"You might want to sit down." He looked at Aku and nodded. Aku nodded back and left the room- closing the door behind him.

"Tori, you remember Rose, right?" I nodded.

"This is the 2nd time that will be told to you. We already told you this in the hospital but you forgot and that was one of the side effects. Do you want me to tell you or your parents?" He asked.

I thought about it.

"Who told me when we were in the hospital?" I asked.

"All of us did; Aku, your parents, and I told you."

"This time, I want only my parents to tell me." He nodded, and left the room to call my parents.

Aku and I have been waiting outside my room for the past half hour.

"She fell asleep." Ace went out of my room with a grim look on his face.

"Where's Mia?" I asked.

"She'll come out in a few minutes."

"You guys want coffee?" Aku and I nodded.

He went down the stairs and we followed after him.

We heard a knock on the door which stopped our conversation. Mia got up to answer it.

"Hey, girls." Mia said, her enthusiastic tone was forced.

A few minutes later Lola, Mae, and Gab entered the kitchen with Mia.

"I'll go wake up Tori." Mia said and went upstairs.

"What're you guys doing here?" Aku asked his sisters.

"In case you didn't notice, we're girls not guys." Lola said, bitterly.

"What are you guys doing here?" Aku repeated and glared at Lola which shocked all of them.

"We're here to hang." Mae said which stopped Aku from glaring at Lola.

"Hey, guys." Tori said, yawning after she said that.

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