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     This is the conclusion of my book, at least the written portion. I've decided to list the names of a few songs that may have similar views on the subjects I've discussed in this book. Although it's always difficult to tell exactly what people's views are.

1. band : slayer album : god hates us all songs : 'darkness of christ' and 'disciple'

2. band : slipknot album : iowa song : left behind

3. band : snog album : dear valued customer song : hey christian god

And some of the songs listed above may be loud, but remember : if they do have similar views, they are also trapped in a loud world with no way out.

I'm also including one more illustrated stories after this conclusion. The stories are a preview of the subjects I'll be discussing in my next book. The garden of eden, the departure from the garden, outside of the garden, and moses. To name a few. And I guarantee the next book will be as good as this one, hopefully much better. Just like this book, it will have a lot of information and answers to questions you would otherwise have had to search for years to find. Answers to the only questions that matter in this life. I'll also be going into detail as to why the devils and angels don't exist, babel and akkad, moses and aaron, and the book of revelation.

If you'd like to contact me, my email address is I cannot know your opinion of my book unless you inform me of it, but I can tell you this. It isn't a well written novel. And it may have turned out to be the scariest thriller you ever have or will read in your life. Depending on whether or not you realized I was right about everything. Comparable to the story in which everyone who reads a book or watches a movie dies. Like 'the ring', except this is real. And no word can describe the terror I have lived with, or that some of you will live and die with. A true story worth more than almost all if not all of the books ever written. And whether or not I'm unfortunate enough to beat any of you there, and whether or not you believe me. . .

                                                  I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL

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