Part 1: Don't leave me!!!

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"Faggot," one of my old friends spit at me while another one of them kicks me in the guts. I curl into a ball and try not to make too many sounds because that only makes it so much worse.

Let me tell you something about myself my name is Max, I am seventeen years old and at the moment my ex friends are beating me up behind the school building.

The insults are my daily routine and if they get bored with that they decide to beat me up. All this happened after I came out three months ago. The worst part is that the main bullies were my friends.

I was never super popular but I had my group of friends. Now I am all alone. It started the day I came out or how I like to call it the worst day of my life.

One day, in the morning, I finally decided to tell my parents I was gay. Much to my relief they both hugged me and said that there was nothing wrong with me, and I was still their little boy that they loved with whole their heart.

So I thought school and my friends would be the same as my parents, but boy was I wrong.

When I told my group of friends, Lexi immediately told me I was disgusting, which her boyfriend Mike pretty much agreed to.

Diego just gave me a punch in the face, after that the three of them started to beat me up while my best friend Bryan simply stood there watching what happened with a blank expression.

Two weeks later Bryan joined the rest of the group with insulting me. A month later he even joined the occasional beating and that stung even more. He was like the brother I never had. We did everything together since we were six years old. Even if his kicks weren't physically the hardest, they hurt the most.

I even had a crush on him but I never told him that, and I am glad I didn't. I don't think I would have survived his reaction on that.

One time I thought he still cared about me when Diego was getting a little too excited with beating me and he broke one of my ribs. Bryan told him to stop when I cried out in pain. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life.

But he explained himself very quick to Diego. He thought somebody was coming after they heard my scream. Not that anyone ever did, the rest of the school turned their head away from the whole bullying situation, even the teachers didn't do anything. But they only saw the insulting and probably didn't know it was this bad.

I never told my parents what happens every day I come to school. I don't want to be a disappointment for them. So at home I try to smile and pretend everything is perfect.

When they ask why Bryan never hangs out at our house anymore I just tell them he is busy and my sweet hard working parents fall for it every time. Most of the time I am able to hide my bruises and otherwise I make lies about them.

'I know it was stupid to run the stairs and trip on over own feet.' This lie was from my broken rib.

"Hey stop daydreaming I am talking to you bitc..." Mike yells at me but before he can finish his insult he collapses to the ground. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and he gets a seizure.

Bryan and Diego stand in shock watching their friend on the ground while Lexi just starts screaming like a lunatic. But after a few seconds Mike stops moving and simply lays there motionless.

Bryan goes very slowly towards him and touches his neck "He has no pulse, Diego call an ambulance," He orders while in the meantime Lexi is a sobbing mess and I just sit there watching the people I once called friends. But even if they are horrible people that doesn't mean they deserve to die. Right?

"I can do first aid on him. The ambulance won't make it in time," I tell them but am immediately cut off by Lexi.

"No way in hell you are touching my boyfriend freak!" and moves towards Mike to start mouth-to-mouth.

"The emergency line is occupied," Diego says in a worried tone. But right on that moment I hear muffled screams from Lexi, when I look at her I just sit there frozen.

Lexi is screaming while Mike is biting her tongue off, blood is pouring out her mouth. Diego immediately rips Lexi off Mike with a lot of force, this causes them to stumble back.

I was paralyzed, right in front of me is the scariest horror movie I have ever seen and it is all real. Lexi is right in front of me chocking on her own blood, while in the corner of my eye I see a movement.

Mike is stumbling towards me his eyes are pure white, and he is growling. It is the most terrifying sound I have ever heard.

Right when he wants to lunge for me Bryan pushes him backwards with his feet right into Diego who is still on the ground next to a now motionless Lexi.

"Stand up we need to get away from here," Bryan orders me but I just sit there frozen.

'Is this really happening or is this some type of bad joke.' I ask myself. Suddenly I am lifted over someone shoulder, and they start running.

"Don't leave me!" I hear Diego scream, when I look up I see he is struggling with Mike. That snaps me out of my daze "Bryan we need to go back for him." I tell him while we come around the corner of the building.

It is complete chaos in front of the school. People are running for their lives while being chased, some are eating others while the rest is dead on the ground. There is blood everywhere and all you can hear are screams. "No time the only thing that matters is that I get you out of here,"

I don't know why he was helping me or why he saved me and sacrificed Diego for the person he hates but before I can ask anything I am thrown in a car and Bryan is speeding us away from the bloodbath.

'God let this all be a nightmare.'

Posted on October 05, 2018.

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