Part 12: Max is MINE!!!

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I wake up with a pounding headache and my wrists bound together behind my back. When I try to sit up, my entire body aches.

Scanning my surroundings I am no longer in the house Diego took me. The ground beneath me is covered with dead leaves and all around me are trees; I am in the forest.

There is a snapping noise from a branch making me turn to the left to see Diego looking at me. "Finally I began to think I strangled you a little too hard baby," He says this with a sick smirk on his face.

I never thought I could hate somebody as much as I hate Diego. He killed Olivia and an innocent boy that looked like me. How many people did he already kill since this all started?

Maybe we should have gone back for him when Mike attacked him. Or maybe he should've just died that day.

I can't believe it, he is the reason Bryan started to bully me. And all that just so he could have me in the end because he 'loves' me. A person like him doesn't know what love is. This new world is made for people like Diego, where they can do whatever they want without anyone to stop them.

Suddenly the air leaves my lungs when something kicks hard into my side.

"Hey I was talking to you Max. Sometimes you are so disrespectful, but we will work on that when we start our lives together."

While Diego tells his sick fantasy to me about us being together, he starts stroking my cheek like everything happening is normal.

"What are you going to do Diego?" I decide to ask him.

His eyes sparkle when I speak to him, like he is happy I finally decided to talk to him after his previous abuse.

"Well, we are very close to the cabin where you guys are living. I left the living corpse of that redhead at their door with a note on, telling Bryan where we are and if he wants to see you again he will need to come alone."

"Haven't you hurt enough people already Diego? You have to stop this." I try to reason with him. He can't kill Bryan, he is my everything. I don't want to survive without him.

"Max, why can't you see the bigger picture? I am doing all this for us. If Bryan is gone then you can let go of him and love me. I will even let that other redhead and the little Mexican live for you if they leave us alone to be happy."

Deciding not to respond anymore I look away from him and close my eyes. Maybe I am not meant to be happy. This psycho was always going to destroy my life, with or without the apocalypse.

Why was Bryan foolish enough to let himself fall into Diego's trap? Maybe without the end of the world Bryan would still bully me. Or perhaps I also would have fallen for Diego's manipulation and be with him now.


I open my eyes to see Bryan walking through the trees. His eyes instantly find me, they shine with worry and fear. When his eyes turn to Diego they change with anger and pure hate.

"Look who decided to show up, I always knew you would come for Max. After all you like to take things that aren't yours," Diego sneers at Bryan.

"Max isn't a 'thing' that belongs to you Diego. He is a human being that can choose who he wants to be and who he wants to love," Bryans says harshly. He is clearly getting angry, his hands are balled into fists and his face is turning a darker color.

"Hahaha, that is funny. We both know Max isn't capable of choosing. You messed for years with his head making him always blindly choose you above anyone else. He is even a bigger lapdog then Mike was from Lexi."

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