Part 7: Fight or die?

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I plunge my knife deep in another zombies eye who is coming for me. We are already fighting for what feels like about half an hour and these zombies still keep coming. The positive part is that we are all still alive.

Bryan is killing zombies with his machete, while I use my knives. On one of our supply run I found a knife throwing set and decided to teach myself how to use them. It's not like we have much to do in our spare time anyway, plus it comes in handy against zombies.

I am pleasantly surprised by these girls, they can protect themselves damn well. Lilly is bashing zombies in the head with a hammer and Olivia is using a baseball bat to smash their brains out. I think they have more arm strength than me.

But the one that surprised me the most is Abby, she is cutting zombies heads of with a sword like a real ninja. 'Not bad for a little girl' I think to myself.

After another fifteen minutes it looks like the zombies are running out, only a few zombies remain now. When I make my way over to them to kill them, Abby beats me to it and cuts the last remaining zombies in pieces.

The surrounding forest is a slaughter field. There are limbs, intestines and blood everywhere, even on us. We look like serial killers with the content that is on us. I feel disgusted with myself, damn I can't wait to take a long shower at the cabin.

"Is everybody alr...AAAAAH!!!" Comes the loud scream from my left side, when I look up at the noise, I see that there is a zombie whose legs are cut off, biting in Lilly's right leg.

I immediately throw one of my knifes through the zombies head, making it fall dead besides Lilly. Olivia immediately rushes towards Lilly and starts sobbing.

My eyes scan towards Abby to see she is now scanning the dead zombies to make sure their all for real dead.

I walk over to Bryan who is deep in thought. "Bryan what are you thinking?" I ask him quietly so the others won't hear us.

"I think we can save her Max. If there is a chance that I can save this girl that was threatening your life only a few moments ago do you want me to take it?" He asks me while looking deeply into my eyes.

He is giving me the choice, to maybe let this girl live another day. I know Bryan trusts my knowledge about other people, but not in a life and death decision. If We decide to save her, how will we know she won't try to hurt us again.

I look over at the three girls that were sitting together on the ground. Olivia is crying while being held by Lilly and Abby standing over them like a protector. Lilly is really strong she just got bitten and she is the one comforting her crying companion.

The three of them look so close, like a real family. At that moment I knew we had to try to save her, even if it failed. After all Bryan also got a second chance from me, so why not them.

"Bryan what is your plan?" He looks at me, immediately realizing my decision.

"We need to cut her leg off," He speaks loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What, we can't do that!" Olivia screams in fear while Lilly remains quite next to her, deep in thought.

After a minute Lilly speaks in a defeated tone "It is useless even if we cut my infected leg off and we are not already too late. We still have nobody to treat it." Shit she is right, Bryan and I don't know how to treat something like that. I can first aid but not surgery.

"I can do it." It is Abby who spoke in a soft but firm voice.

"How can a kid that doesn't look older than fourteen do surgery," Scoffs Bryan.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that your plan can work and I can do it." She says confidently.

Maybe they aren't as close as I thought if they don't knew that one of them can do a surgery.

"Just do it the longer we wait, the less chance I have to survive!" Lilly screams, already having decide what will happen.

"Are you sure sis?" Olivia asks her in a raspy voice.

"Yes Olive, it is my only chance." Lilly says in a soft voice to apparently her sister.

Olivia nods at her before stepping aside and looking the other way. Abby steps towards Lilly and starts cutting the pipe of her jeans off.

"You need to clean that machete, there can't be any zombie blood on it," She orders Bryan.

Olivia takes disinfectant wipes out their backpack before giving them to Bryan who starts cleaning the machete. "Max you have to look for a stick that is thick and strong so it will not break."

I look around looking for a stick, when I find a good one I turn to see Abby tying Lilly's leg with a belt. I hand over the stick and Lilly bites into it.

"Bryan you need to cut her leg off at this place in one motion," Abby instructs. Bryan takes a deep breath before looking at Lilly for an okay, when she nods her head he lifts the machete over his head and brings it down.

Lilly's leg is cut off in one swift motion. The noise is so disgusting, there is blood everywhere and Abby immediately starts to make a compress on the wound where just moments ago a leg was.

Olivia has tears in her eyes but is helping Abby. Lilly has fainted and I don't know if that is a good thing or not.

When the compress is ready, I turn to Bryan. "You need to carry her, we take them to the cabin." Without a moment of hesitation Bryan picks Lilly's unconscious body up and we all make our way to the cabin.

We don't come across any zombies which is good, I think we killed all the ones in the forest for now.

Once in the cabin, we bring Olivia to one of the guest rooms where Abby starts cleaning the wound properly with our first aid. When the cleaning is done, she stitches the wound up.

I can't imagine where a child learned all these types of things, but I can't deny that if Lilly survives it is all thanks to Abby.

Me and Bryan are sitting downstairs in the living room talking about what we are going to do about these girls. "Do you think we can trust them?" Bryan asks me with concern in his voice.

"Yes, Bryan they need us to save Olivia and once she is healed, they leave." I state to him.

"We aren't going to throw them out when they need help, but we can't trust others. Only ourselves." I continue while looking deep into Bryan's eyes.

Bryan just sits next to me letting my words sink in when we hear a throat being cleared from behind us. We look up to see Olivia standing there fidgeting with her sleeves. "I just wanted to say thank you and sorry for trying to raid you. We really needed food."

"What done is done, you guys can stay till she gets better and till then you'll help us around the cabin deal?" Bryan questions while offering a hand to Olivia which she shakes. After that she looks at me and gives me a silent nod that I return before she retreats back to their room.

"Come on let's go to bed Maxie, I think we could use some rest." I nod while reaching for Bryan's hand that he offers me and walking upstairs.

Once we arrive in our bedroom we strip and shower, It took a bit of work to get rid of all the blood of zombies that was still on us. But now we are back human.

After the shower, we put on some boxers and crawl into bed. Bryan immediately pulls me into his chest, while wrapping his strong arms around me.

I feel a soft kiss on my forehead making me snuggle more into him. Even in this warm embrace, I can't help but wonder 'Did I make the right decision letting these strangers in our home?'

Posted on April 5, 2019.

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