Part 5: A new home.

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"Max, Maxie boy, hey come on sleepy head. Yes that's it come back to the land of the living, euhm or whatever that may mean now." I hear Bryan mumble the last part.

Slowly I open my eyes to see Bryan in front of my face, really close may I say. I push him away while hiding the blush on my face, stupid handsome guy messing with my stupid teenage hormones.

"Euhm, why did you wake me Bryan?"

Bryan laughs a little at that "Because we arrived like ten minutes ago and you wouldn't wake up."

I look around and see the cabin right in front of the car. "Ahh, I see." Trying to play cool but my burning cheeks are quite the opposite from 'cool'. "Haha Max your still so cute when you're embarrassed and don't worry I know you're a heavy sleeper and you needed it."

"Yes I think I needed a bit of sle... wait did you just call me cute?" And look at that, now it was Bryan's turn to blush like a tomato. I can't help but start laughing at him.

Suddenly Bryan is on top of me, pinning me down to my car seat with his heavy body. "So you like to laugh with me Maxie," He says in a low voice, the warmth of his breath against my ear. I can't help but shiver at the feeling.

We just sit there face to face and I can't help wondering which Bryan is in front of me. My Bryan or the one that used to hurt me with Diego, Lexi and Mike.

"Will you ever forgive me for hurting you?" Bryan ask me with a blank face. But I can see right through it, he is scared of my answer.

"Yes Bryan, I will." He looks in my eyes and gives me a small nod.

With that he opens the car door and steps off me. I follow right after him. "We should unpack first, it is going to get dark in an hour or so," Bryan says while opening the trunk of the car. I step over to him and he hands me one of the bags with food inside.

"Max can you put all the food and the drinks away? In the meantime I will get the power working and put the clothes away." I nod at him and start with my task.

We came here a lot when we still were best friends. The cabin is built to provide for itself. There are solar panels for electricity, a system that uses rainwater in the house and a fireplace to warm up the house.

Bryan's family wanted a place far from the outside world without harming the forest. It is almost like they build it for this apocalypse. But that is absurd, right?

I am putting all the cans in the pantry when the lights turn on. I check the tap at the sink in the kitchen, to see streaming clear water. Pfft, thank God something that cooperates with us.

After I am done putting the food away, I write a note with things that need to be done.

1) The cabin needs a fence.

2) Extra food before all the stores are plundered.

3) Weapons to defend us.

That's enough for today, time to check on how's Bryan doing upstairs. "Bryan!" I scream but receive no response. The lights are on in the master bedroom. I walk in the room to find Bryan sitting on the bed with a picture of his parents in his hands, head bent down.

"Bryan are you okay?" I ask in a soft voice while sitting next to him on the bed. He looks up at me with a tear stained face. It breaks me a bit on the inside to see him so broken. In all those years that I knew Bryan, I have never once seen him cry.

"No Max, it is not okay. Everybody is dead and I should be happy that finally nobody can stop me from following my heart but I know one day you will leave me just like my parents," He says with so much hurt in his voice, he sounds broken, so small.

"Bryan I am not going to leave you. I promise," I tell him sincerely.

"But I am a monster I hurt you because I was afraid to admit my true feelings for you."

I don't know where this courage came from but I decide to shut all my fears up and say, "Then admit your feelings Bryan. I will not run away."

The moment that sentence leaves my mouth, Bryan's lips are roughly smashed against mine. It takes me a moment to realize what is happening, but when I do I start kissing him back. This gives him the courage to push me on my back on the bed so he is on top of me.

His tongue swirls against my bottom lip asking for entrance, which after a bit of hesitation I grant him. After a while of kissing we break free, both heaving from lack of air.

Bryan is still on top of me looking at me like I will disappear any moment now. I take his face in my hand while looking deep in his eyes and say something that brings a piece of life back into his eyes.

"I am still here and I am not leaving you Bryan."

Posted on March 27, 2019.

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