Part 2: Mommy, daddy?

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Once we arrive in front of his house Bryan parks the car but doesn't make a move to unlock the doors. There is this uncomfortable atmosphere but I keep my mouth shut about it.

After what feels like an eternity but in reality is just five minutes he asks me the most stupid question I can think of "Are you alright?"

I really want to snap at him and scream 'What do you think!' but I ignore the question and ask him instead "What just happened there?"

He sighs "I really don't know but let's go inside I don't think it is really safe out here." With that he unlocks the car and steps to his front door. I follow him inside the house, it feels really strange being here after three months.

I used to be here almost every weekend because my parents work a lot and me and Bryan were inseparable.

I decide to wait inside the living room, while Bryan goes to the kitchen. I don't follow him because I don't want him getting angry at me.

A few minutes later he comes back with two glasses of water and gives me one "Thanks," I say almost whispering. I really want to go home. This place was once my second home, now I feel uncomfortable being here and want to leave as fast as possible.

"I just tried to call my parents but they don't pick up their phones. Normally they should already be home by now," he says more to himself in worry than to me.

I take my phone and try to call my parents but I get their voice-mail. "Voice-mail," I tell him while he turns the television on.

"...nside your house as much as you can, there is an epidemic of a new virus spreading the nation. The ones infected turn feral and will attack you. Stay away from them as much as possible, right in this moment all forces are working to stop the spreading of this virus. We will update as soon as there is new information about the situa..."

With that Bryan turns the tv of. He simply sits there with a blank expression on his face until he turns towards me "What do we do now?"

I take a deep breath to stay as calm as possible as I tell him "First Bryan, there is no 'we' and secondly thank you for helping me back there, but I am going home, right now."

With that I turn around and walk to the front door but Bryan grabs my arm and I flinch, thinking he is going to hurt me. I see him glaring at me but his eyes turn softer when he sees that I am afraid.

He loosens his grip but doesn't let go of my arm "You can't go out there we nearly got killed back there. On your own you won't be safe."

I pull my arm loose and glare at him. How dare he to tell me I can't protect myself "Bryan I rather die out there than sitting here with you pretending like we care about each other," I tell him in an angry voice.

This had him backing down like he just remembers all the things he did to me these past months. But then something changes and he looks at me with pleading eyes, "Please let me take you home if I know you are safe there with your parents I will leave you okay?"

I search his face to look for a reason to help me but find nothing ill-intentioned "Okay but after that you are gone." He nods at my statement but looks a little defeated. Why the hell does he look like that and why does he necessarily want to get me home while he basically hates me. Pfff he is so frustrating to deal with.

We walk to his car and he drives us to my house. During the drive we pass a lot of infected and dead bodies that lay on the streets. It is all so wrong the streets look like a slaughter house.

We arrive in front of my house where I see that my parents car is parked. What a relief their home, "Alright you can go now thanks for the ride."

He grabs my arm when I went to open the car door and says, "No I am going inside with you the deal was I leave when you are safe inside your house." I simply roll my eyes and nod my head as an okay. He lets go of me and we walk to the front door.

The moment I open the front door I can't believe what's in front of me. My mom is laying on the ground next to the stairs with blood around her head. I immediately run over to her and begin to cry out and scream for her to wake up. But she doesn't, she's gone.

Bryan wraps his arms around me and hugs me while I just break down. "Max." I hear in a weak voice from the kitchen. I shake Bryan off me and ran to my dad.

"Daddy!" I yell, more tears gather in my eyes at the sight in front of me.

My father is sitting against the kitchen island looking very pale with a bite mark between his shoulder and neck. Bryan rushes to my side and tries to hug me again but I push him away and hug my dad on the bloody floor while sobbing in his chest, "Shh Maxie it is going to be okay," Dad tells me in an attempt to comfort me.

"Daddy you can't leave me," I whimper in his chest.

"Max it isn't safe you should keep your distance," Bryan says from behind me.

"He is right Max I don't want to hurt you." Dad whispers in my ear in a weak voice, but I can't let go of him, somewhere I know this will be the last time holding him.

"What happened?" I ask while looking in his eyes.

"When I came home I went upstairs to look for your mother but she attacked and bit me. When I pushed her off me she fell off the stairs and stopped moving. I'm sorry Maxie I think I killed her." He tells while his voice cracks at the end and tears poor down his cheeks.

"It wasn't your fault dad that wasn't mom anymore." I try to reassure him, even if it hurt that she is gone forever.

"Max I am not going to last much longer I can feel it spreading inside me, you need to get away from here."

I shake my head "I can't, I am not strong enough without you and mom."

"Yes you are son, I believe in you and I know you are going to survive because you are the strongest person I know. Bryan I need you to promise me to keep Max safe." he says this while turning to Bryan and looking him straight in the eyes.

"Of course sir I will not leave him again." Bryan responds with a strong voice.

"Maxie I love you, me and your mother couldn't have wished for a better son than you. But you have to go, live for us"

"I love you too dad please don't leave me." I sob.

"It will be alright Max, stay with Bryan he will keep you safe. You have to go now." He pushes me off him but I don't let go, I can't lose him too.

Then I feel strong arms from behind me that carry me away and I simply keep crying and screaming in Bryan's chest, while Bryan gets us back to his car.

Once in the car I feel so empty, everything hurts and I just let my eyes close when sleep takes over. The car starts driving and the last thing I feel is Bryan's hand wrapping around mine.

Posted on December 26, 2018.

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