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3 years ago...

Asialaine Adamme's Point of view

"Are you sure of what you're saying right now, Boss?" I bit my lips to stop it from trembling as Jihoon stared at me with hatred in his eyes. Deep inside my heart, I know that he's only getting eaten by his emotions. Is this for the best? I don't want to leave him like this. Maybe our inevitable separation will occur right at this moment. I watched as his fists clenched and prepared to shout at me. "Get out of my life, Asia! Get out of my goddamn life!" He shouted and I nodded. "I will, Boss. I'm sorry for bothering you," 

Not even caring about the things I will leave here in his condo unit. Snatching the purse that contains my wallet, phone and car keys, I started to leave. My footsteps heavily thudded on the tiled floor, waiting for him to call my name. If he called my name, I'll pretend our argument never happened. "I hope you don't regret your decision, Jihoon." I said, loud enough for him to hear me. 

Closing the door behind me, my eyes started to tear up. Where should I go now? Reaching for my phone, I scrolled down my contacts to see who can answer my call at 2 am. Finally settling on the person who I can depend on. I put my fists to prevent the voice that can be heard throughout the whole floor. Dialling the number, I held in my hiccups and pressed the elevator button to reach the parking lot. Probably by now, Mingyu have overheard our argument. "Hello? Unique?" My voice sounded tired and broken but I couldn't care less, as the weight of my shoulders makes me want to throw a tantrum. Closing my eyes, I started to breathe deeply.

"Jagiya wake up, Asia's calling you..." Hearing Jimin's voice was a bit refreshing and reassuring and all I wished right now is to cry out loud. I miss my baby brothers, they know what to do to make me smile whenever I'm down but, I can't call them. Shuffling and ruffling sounds was made before, the person I wanted to talk to answered me. "Babygirl? Why are you calling me? In the middle of the night?" The elevator dinged signalling me that I arrived at the parking lot. Unique is like a big sister to me and I can bear to open myself towards her, "I can't breathe, Unique. I want to go home. But, I don't know where is my home," I whined like a child to her mother. 

Inserting the car keys with shaking hands while failing, I cursed long and hard. "Fucking car keys won't open! Fuck!" No one can hear the greatest assistant of almighty Lee Jihoon curse like a fucking sailor, anyway. "Asia, listen to me. Listen to me, okay? Don't drive. I'll go to you. Just please, don't drive. Do you want me to call Joshua? Jeonghan? Vernon? Jihoon?" She asked, making me cry louder. "I don't want to bother him, Unique. I just want to go home," Finally succeeding despite many failed attempts, I opened the car door and started the car engine. "Asialaine Adamme, I told you to don't fucking drive!" Her shout made me cry harder. The volume and sheer intensity reminded me of Jihoon getting angry at me. "Where are you? Please, stop the car," Wiping my tears, I tried to read the road signages. "I don't know, I really don't know. I'm sorry!" Stepping on the brakes, I immediately remember where I am. My mind formed a coherent sentence as I answered Unique. Noticing that my brakes aren't working, I stomped harder on it. "I'm in an intersection near Bu-" Her shouts of urgency to stop me, a loud honk and my own screaming filled my ears as a light came flashing from the other side.

I'm going to die.

Closing my eyes, I tried to think of what I'm going to miss here and I haven't told Jihoon that Vernon was the person who ate the sandwiches that I made for him. Shards of glass pierced my skin and a ringing sound made me momentarily deaf. "Asia? Fuck! Asia!" Groaning, I tried to move my hand to reach my now broken handphone. A dull throbbing ache racked my brain. Slowly, I drawled out words to reassure my friend that I'm still conscious. 

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