3. Bond

888 29 13

A/N: Hope you guys like it

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"Kat you have to leave, Alex is coming soon and you aren't supposed to be here while he is here.", Mario said getting out of bed and putting on his pants, zipping them up.

"Fine, I don't know why I can't just stay in the room then when the boy comes and the witch leaves I can roam freely.", Kat said putting on her bra then her shirt, rummaging on the floor to grab her panties.

"You know that won't work. Now hurry and leave.", Mario said going into the next room and putting on his shoes.

"But Mario come on.", Kat said following him and grabbing him from the back and trying to cop a feel from him but didn't get to because Mario grabbed her hand and turned her around.

"Here's one thing Kat, we've been over this millions of times. My son is something you don't fuck with. So shut the fuck up, put your clothes on and get out.", Mario said returning her pedicured hand back to her.

"Oh please like if that has ever stopped you in the past. You're such a hypocrite.", Kat said going back into the bedroom and grabbing her things. "Just because you won a fucking world cup doesn't mean shit. You're still the same sex crazed fuck I met. Who always comes back.", Kat grabbed her belongings and kissed Mario on the lips. "have fun with your son."

He called for his made Dina, she was a 40 year old Maid he had hired when he moved to Munich. She made his bed and made sure there was no evidence that she was here.

The doorbell rang and he thought it was Kat who had stupidly forgot something. When he opened the door to his surprise it was Giselle with Alex's bag in her hand.

"Dad!", Alex said almost jamming the door onto the wall he opened it with excitement and hugged his dad.

"I have a day planned of excitement planned for us, so go get Dina and tell her to set up the theater for us.", Mario said kissing his cheek and setting him down.

All you could hear was Alex's footsteps as he ran to the theater room calling for Dina. They both smiled at him.

"Okay so he already ate and please don't give him anymore sugar. He won't sleep, like at all.", Giselle said, handing him Alex's backpack.

"I know, buzz kill.", Mario said receiving it. "My mom wanted me to give you something so come in and close the door would you.", Mario said walking towards the kitchen. Giselle closed the door and followed him.

"Let me see if I can find it.", Mario said rummaging through the cabinets. Giselle had taken a seat on the island. Mario finally grabbed something it was a jar, full of cookies. "Here they are, she said these where your favorite and that she knows they don't sell any here and that they only have them in Dortmund so here you go."

Mario set it down on the table. Giselle grabbed them and smiled.

"Tell your mom I said thank you.", She said to him, she set them down and coughed. She had been feeling a bit sick these last few days. It had to be the change of temperature from Brazil all the way back to Germany. Also in Brazil it kept on changing temperatures very frequently.

"Do you want some water?", Mario asked her.

"Yeah.", Giselle said through pauses, she put her hand on her mouth to at least show some etiquette. She couldn't control the cough and from that point she was almost gasping for air. Mario quickly handed her the glass of water and she gulped it down.

"Holy crap,", Giselle said almost about to laugh. "Its like a feather went in my throat."

"You gave me a fright.", Mario said looking at her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Well I should get going, my friend is expecting me soon so Goodbye. Don't worry I'll see myself out.", Giselle said grabbing that jar, getting off the stool and making her way to the door. "kiss him good night for me."

"I will."

Mario and Alex stayed in the theater room watching movie after movie and then went outside to play a little friendly game between them. It was time to get Alex to bed but he didn't want to.

"Come on time to sleep.", Mario said to Alex scooping him up and putting him on his shoulder.
Alex was giggling the whole way back to his room and then Mario set him down on his bed. He grabbed his backpack and laid out his pajamas. Alex grabbed them and started changing while Mario fixed his bed the way Alex liked it.

Alex crawled into bed and snuggled himself in. Mario crouched down and kissed his for head.

"Good night Alex.", He said while tucking him in. "I love you."

"I love you to daddy.", Alex said with his eyes closed.

He closed his door and went into his room taking off his shirt and pants he grabbed some shorts and put them on. He grabbed his phone from his pants on the floor and checked to see if he had any messages. He had five messages from Kat and 1 voicemail from Giselle. He read Kat's messages that said how much she missed him. Mario didn't even reply because she knew that he was busy. But he pressed on her voicemail and heard it.

It was Giselle telling him if he could keep Alex for another night because a client of hers was urgently needing her. Mario didn't even know up until a week ago that she has a job as a party planner. But since he didn't really know much about her anymore he wasn't all that shocked nor did he care.

Days turned into two weeks. She texted Mario saying she was still working each day and he didn't mind since it was more time he would spend with Alex.

Right now Mario and Alex had just come from the cinema, they watched transformers and Lucy. Which Alex couldn't stop talking about Transformers. It was a pretty epic movie. They decided to eat Chinese food

"Dad can we go get some more clothes from Moms? This is the last of my clothes and I don't think I'm gonna go anywhere for a while.", Alex said.

Mario had his eyes on the road and answered him back. "Yeah sure, let's go get some Chinese food and I'll drop you off at home and I'll go get them."

"I want to go also.", Alex said looking at his dad.

"Nice try but you left a really big mess in your room yesterday when you had your friends over and I told Dina not to clean it up.", Mario said smiling at him.

"Can't Dina just do it?", Alex tried to argue.

"Just because she is our maid doesn't mean you can't be responsible.", Mario said winning the argument.

They stopped by the Chinese take out place and took their food to go. When they got home they set the things down on the counter and Mario gave Alex the look.

"Fine.", Alex said and went to his room and started to clean his room.

"When I come back we can eat!",  Mario screamed from Across the room.

"Okay!", Alex screamed back.

He told Dina to make sure he finishes and if he got hungry that he could eat without him. On that note he left the flat making his way to Giselle's home.

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