9. Hope

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She was laying in the hospital bed, the machines beeping. The hospitals where alaways cold, making it feel even more depressing. I think when you see the ones you love suffer so much, you can't forgive yourself. That's what Giselle felt right now. She felt like she was being a burden to them, she was ruining every good moment they had.

She was awake, while Mario and Alex where asleep. They looked miserable, sometimes she wondered would it be better if she died. If her life slips away, will they be happier in the future?

She choked on a sob while thinking of seeing her son suffer because of her.

"Giselle?", Mario asked, waking up, going by her side. "It's okay Babe."

She quietly cried, holding his hand.

"I am so sorry.", She managed to say while crying.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Remember? You and me forever.", Mario said standing up and kissing her. "Forever.", He said quietly, leaning his for head on hers.

A few hours passed, Alex went back to his grandparents house. While Mario stayed with Giselle, he was there by her side. Finally the doctor came in the morning.

"I know you feel bad right now but I have some good news.", the doctor said looking at both of them. "there is something called a bone marrow transplant. If that works then the chances of her living longer increase. On some people they relapse but I have a good feeling about you Giselle. You are a fighter.", He said smiling at her.

Through out the whole day, Giselle was worried. Should she take the risk? It might work. It might not. But the longer she waited the longer it would mean that her blood cells would lose it. Her defense system would be weak and her operation would be more difficult. She would get more chemo therapy and radiation. 

Her home would be the Hospital, she would be staying there through out the whole procedure. They would take out her blood cells from her bone marrow, then they would freeze and store them. After that she would get a high dose of Chemo therapy and Radiation to all her body. This would destroy the cancer cells in her body, including her immune system and bone marrow cells. After that her frozen cells would be given to her as a blood transfusion. A few days will pass and those blood cells will start to form into new blood cells. Making them normal blood cells, getting rid of the Leukemia. 

She would have to stay there until all her blood cells where counted for. There was so many things that could go wrong, she could possibly die in the process or it wouldn't work at all.

Mario and Clara where still in the hospital it was night, she was finally awake and up to her senses.

"I have to do it.", Giselle said looking at Mario. "If I die, I will die knowing I tried."

"If you survive, you survived trying.", Mario said to her holding her hand on the bed. He laid next to her on the hospital bed.

"I want you to do something for me, can you?", Giselle asked him looking into his light eyes.

"Whatever you want.", Mario said.

"If I don't make it out of this, I want you to move on. With someone who can take care of my son, give him a happy life.", She said, taking a pause to compose herself. "Someone who will love you more than I ever did. It won't be me, never. Don't get stuck on me, on the same page. Start a whole new book, another chapter."

"Shut up.", Mario said to her. "shut up, don't say that."

"If I don't, who will?", Giselle said putting her hand on his cheek. "I will always love you, always."

"So will I, always.", Mario said grabbing her hand. "We'll see this through."

She smiled at him, putting her head on his shoulder. Together.

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A/N: This is a bit of a filler. Writing the next chapter right now. Faith? Tell me what you guys think!

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