11. Right now

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Cancer is something that haunts you, it sticks on to you for a long time. Until you find a "cure", but sometimes it just doesn't rid itself from your life.

"Don't take this away from me.", Giselle said from the bed she was worn out at this point. "Bitte...", She pleaded. "I know I can go through this Mario."

"It isn't that I don't have faith in how strong you are, its because I don't want to see you suffer more than you already are.", Mario said running his hands through his face.

"Nothing is going to happen. I promise.", Giselle said going over to grab his hand.

She was about to go into Step Three: Conditioning.

The conditioning part was where she would have to be given high doses of Chemotherapy and Radiation. They would insert a tube into her large vein near her heart. This needed to be done for several reasons, to destroy the existing bone marrow cells to make room for the transplanted tissue. But mainly to destroy the cancer cells. Her immune system needed to stop working in order for all of this to happen, it has a less chance of rejecting the transplant.

This part of the process is very painful due to the injection which hurts during the process and after the process.

The doctors where there already, they where going to start the process. But it takes about four to seven days, so she would be doing this daily for Four to seven days. The feeling and the look of pain when the doctors where doing this was horrible.

Mario couldn't stand the thought of her being in any pain. He looked at her eyes the whole time, the voices of the doctors where tuned out. He wanted to hear nothing of what they said, all he wanted to do was focus on her. He held her hand and when they inserted the tube her hand squeezed his. She did not cry, she did not make any fuss. She just shut her eyes really tightly and she sucked it in. She showed no pain because if she showed pain then Mario would crumble. She was the back bone of this Family.

The second day was more painful because Mario wasn't there she had told him to not stay with her because she knew that he had gotten called up to the national team. But she wanted him to be happy and have a sense of life. Apart from baby sitting her. Mario's mom was there with her holding her hand. The wound was still a little bit open which made it sting.

Then came the third, fourth, fifth and that's when it stopped. The doctors said she didn't have to do it more than five times. She would have to wait two or three days, for them to do the actual transplant. Those two days where hell.

They had told her that the side affects where nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and tiredness. She was throwing up about two times a day which was bad because she was not eating a large amount of food.

"Astrid...", Giselle managed to get out. "This is fucking horrid."

"I know honey but just imagine how it is going to be afterwards.", Astrid said changing the channels looking for the Germany game. "Look Mario is warming up."

"His legs are like gazelles. You raised a good Gazelle.", Giselle said trying to lighten up the mood because the drugs where barley taking away the pain.

Astrid shook her head and laughed.

"Sleep, when you wake up I will tell you if they won.", Astrid said kissing the top of her head.

Sleep came quick for her because she was already dosing off into sleep, she was out of this world tired because of all the Chemo and radiation.

Her dreams where different then from the ones she had without medicine. They where lucid, she knew that she was asleep and she was dreaming. But she had the power to change anything she wanted. She had the power to make her dream her world.

Her dreams always consisted of her and Mario together, she was happy and she wasn't sick. Her hair was long again and her smile was bigger than ever.

"How about we go to the beach and go swimming.", Mario said grabbing Giselle's waist and bringing her closer to him. He had on his beach shorts and Giselle had on her bikini.

"The pool is fine.", Giselle said Smiling and perking up her eyebrows. "We should just stay here in the comfort of our home."

"If what you mean is that, then I am catching your drift.", Mario said whispering it into her ear.

"No clue what you are talking about.", Giselle said slowly backing away from him now. She walked over to the pool and she took off her bra. She covered her breasts and threw the bra to the ground. She then walked over to the pool and went inside. She began swimming around torturing Mario. She was like forbidden fruit.

Mario walked over to the pool and he was trying to take his shorts off at the same time. When he jumped into the pool it made this big splash and Giselle was soaking wet now, her hair was dripping down her face.

Mario grabbed her from the waist and he made his down to her underwear, he pulled them down and then he held them up.

"Tsk Tsk.", Mario said and he let them fall down to the bottom of the pool.

"I like it like this Mario.", Giselle blurted out, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Their for heads where touching. She was in love with him, she knew that she was still sick outside of her dream. But she liked her dream of peace.

"I do too.", Mario said and he kissed her slowly then he kissed her faster. The need of being her closer to her. The need of being together normally.

Her dreams wanted to be her reality, her reality wanted to fade away. Right now she wished he was there with her, everything is new to her. Right now.

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A/N: Tell me what you think. :)

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