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Jeff returned to somewhat normal as the week progressed. I could tell he was worried about the party, however. Randy and his gang better not show up, or I'd be there in a heartbeat.

"You going?" I asked him.

The phone crackled briefly. "Yeah. I won't be long. If I'm not back by, say, four, then you may worry." I smiled.

"Alright. Jeff, be careful, okay?"

"Always am. Love you."

"You too. Mwah."

He hung up with a decisive crackle. I smiled again. He was going to be okay.

Hey. Going well. Be home in ten

Oh that's good. Ttyl!

"Everyday, I imagine a future where I-"

"Jasmine! Stop singing that strange pop star's music and come say hi to Mrs Woods!"

I turned off my CD player and came downstairs to see Mrs Woods.

"Hi...are you okay?" I stood in shock at the scene before me.

Mrs Woods was crying, and Jeff was nowhere to be seen.

"Is he okay?" The words lept from my throat.

Mrs Woods shook her head. "I'm sorry...."

"Jeff got into a bad fight at the party, honey. He had alcohol and bleach intentionally tipped on him, by the boys who fought him yesterday, and set him on fire."

"NO!" The scream fire through my lips before I could stop it.

"Jasmine." My mother patted my shoulder. "Sit down, and let her finish."

"He's okay, sweetie. He survived. But he-" she pressed a tissue to her eyes and visibly calmed down.

"What? What happened to him?"

"Jasmine, he killed every single one of the boys."

My breath caught. "No-"

His mother started sobbing again. "I raised a murderer!"



"Don't stare at him." Mrs Woods bade me.

I nodded.

"Don't talk for too long, he's very drowsy still."

I nodded.

"Don't talk to him about...emotionally taxing topics."

Aka, don't talk about love.

"And just-"

"I got this Mrs Woods. Can I go in?"

She stared at me for a bit. "Yes, yes okay."

I went into his hospital room. H managed to get a private room, owing to-

His face.

His face.

His hair had been completely singed black, and his skin was bleached bright white.

Bright white.

He was a sheet.

I sat down. Of course, he was heavily bandaged, so I couldn't see too much of his skin, or anything else really.

Was he awake?

Oh! Jeez, how does he still make a habit of scaring me after he nearly died?!

His head snapped towards me.

He observed me from his one good eye.

"Hey, it's me, Jasmine." I said softly.

Jeff blinked. " what's wrong?!"

I leant forward. "You're burnt, pretty badly, all over."

He laughed-?


"Hmhmm...Burnt... like, a, you...haha."

I stood up. His giggling and soft speech was uncanny. Why...why the heck...I...

"I've got to go." I blurted. "I love you."

I walked out as fast as I could, away from the guy who I loved.

Who was clearly not himself anymore.

I collapsed onto the couch. Mum had texted saying that she had gone to the Woods. Not surprising. Even if they're eldest nearly died, gossip had to be caught up on. I sighed and rolled towards the back of the comfy chair.

What the hell was wrong was Jeff? I'd asked his idiotic mother after I'd left. She said it was the medication they had him on.


I sighed. I'll just go back tomorrow and see if he was okay. That's all I can do, really.

Alright, why the hell was I awake at...Ugh! Seven o'clock! Way too damn early! I often felt sorry for Mum, who had to leave for work about a half hour ago.

Well I'm up already...might as well eat, right?

A bowl of Weet-Bix wig generous honey application later, I switched on the TV and picked up my phone. Tumblr...what have you done since I've been gone?

"Breaking news... there has been a murder report in the town of Marigo."

Huh? I looked up.

"The murderer was in the local hospital, and broke out at and estimated time of 11pm, and proceeded to murder everybody on the room with a syringe. Camera footage then shows the murderer jumping out a second story window, and running off. No more evidence of them had been found, and police are still identifying The murderer's and the victim's identity."

Oh hell...jeez, Jeff better not have been caught up in that. I shivered.

"Yep...yeah, I don't know...I'm pretty sure he's okay, Mum would've heard it from Mrs Woods by now, and she would've told me- yep, there's the update, I gotta go- yeah, bye!"

I threw myself onto the couch to hear the update on the murders.

"I don't want the backstory again..." I murmured frustratedly.

"...the murderer has been identified as teen Jeffery Woods, being treated for severe whole body burns. He was seen just a few minutes before the murders in the bathroom. If you are sensitive to the sight of blood, please look away now."

The screen cut to a grainy and dark picture. It showed a figure at the sink.

I slid off the couch onto the floor. Jeff?

"As you can see, it shows the murderer cutting his cheeks open into what appears to be an enlarged smile."

I closed my eyes.

"The victims have also been named as Cass and Stewart Woods, the parents of the murderer."

I turned it off.

Jeff. Killed his parents.

Jeff's out there.

And if he could kill his own parents...

Reflections in Our Hearts (Jeff the Killer fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now