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We were all piled up in the car, it was ten in the morning and I was still super tired so I didn't speak much. We had been driving for an hour now, I had no way to get ahold of Jenna or Josh so we just hoped for the best. If they weren't at work or Joshes we were going to wait.

I was nervous, I knew that they knew the truth by this point but, I couldn't help but be afraid they would still hate me.

My mom must've picked up on my nervousness because every so often she'd turn around, smile at me, and rub my leg.

As we neared the city I felt my body tense up.

Did I want to do this? We could just turn around, go home and forget these past months hadn't happened.

I could forget Jenna, Josh, and Debby.

That wasn't going to happen though.

I could see the buildings, foggy in the distance but getting closer.

I leaned up against the window. I was nauseous, and not from nerves, from the feeling this city brought me. The feeling of hiding and lying. I could hear his dark laughter. I couldn't see him but I knew he was behind me sitting by the window to Zacks left.

"Welcome back Tyler." He whispered in my ear.

Suddenly I couldn't breathe, but I could, but I couldn't at the same time. I started gasping and shaking. His hands were on my throat.

"TYLER." My mom yelled.

My dad slammed on the breaks just as Blurry held tighter.

Jay put his hand on my shoulder.

"Tyler, hey Tyler." He said trying to get my attention. "In through your nose and out through your mouth."

I tried, I couldn't seem to do it right. Maddie grabbed my hand and I squeezed hers hard. My parents were starring at me with concern. We were pulled to the side on the interstate.

As I managed to breath again, successfully doing the breathing Jay told me to, I whispered. "I can't do this."

"Bullshit Tyler." Zack said. "That is complete bullshit."

"Zack." Mom said in a scolding tone, he ignored her though.

"You are going to be fine, you can do this. You made some wonderful friends during a very low time for you. They are still your friends."

"But what if they hate me." I said as some more tears fell down.

"Then fuck them. Situations like yours don't happen everyday and if they can't get past that then they weren't good friends. We are going to see them so they know you are okay, and so you can have healthy relationships for once. Long before any of this shit ever happened mom and dad wanted you to find a new friend, someone who wasn't toxic. From the sounds of it, these three sound very nice."

Nobody said anything else. Dad started driving again and I couldn't ignore the burning call from my wrists. They needed me to do it, this feeling had to come out somehow.

As we exited the interstate I pinched my wrist, super hard. The pain was ridiculous but I didn't flinch. Infact, it seemed to go numb instantly.

The gps was telling dad which roads to go down and pretty soon I saw the firework factory.

"That's where they tied me up and left me." I spoke for the first time since my breakdown.

Nobody said anything, nobody knew what to say.

"If you turn right here we can stop by Joshes to see if he's home before we go to the restaurant." I said.

Dad did as I said and soon Joshes apartment building was looking down at me.

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