Heroes are banned after a horrible event 17 years ago. In desperate times heroes are needed. You are Ghost, a masked vigilante wanted by both the Holloway Crime Family and the Super Hero Control Unit. With two years of illegal crime fighting under y...
You see, Y/N wasn't always this motivated when it came to fighting crime. He was reckless, brash, and was always making mistakes. He would rush in head first into a fight without a plan. That was, until someone changed him.
It had happened at school. Y/N was walking down the hall with his friends Matt and Damian. Good boys both of them. As they talked Y/N didn't realize that he was on a direct course toward the student council president. When he realized it, he was too late. The two bumped into each other. They argued about whose fault it was and in the end the girl just walked off.
"Who the hell does she think she is?" Y/N asked.
Damian laughed and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"That's Rose. Rose Silver. The Student Council President." He explained.
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Y/N just shurgged.
"Pres needs to pay attention. Come on. I don't want to be late again."
Y/N was still young. He had only been Ghost for a few months at this point so he didn't have the experience he has now. He didn't really need it since there was another hero back then. The Specter. As the days went by the two interacted more and more. They became acquaintances, than friends, than something more.
Y'N looked up from his seat to find Rose standing there over him. He looked around to see the teacher had left.
"Uh, Hey. What are you doing in detention?" Y/N asked.
Rose sat the the seat in front of him.
"Mr. Tewers needed to step out and asked if i would watch you. How could I possibly refuse?" She explained.
Y/N smiled and the two began to chat away. They could be found in the lunchroom talking about classes and weekend activities on the regular basis. When Y/N would appear tired or upset, she was somehow always the first to find him and cheer him up. She even started to bring coffee to school for him. She saw the injuries every once and a while but Y/N would assure her that he was fine. Damian and Matt even backed him up so she never pushed the subject. The two became the power couple of the school despite not being a couple at all.
It had taken him some time but Y/N had finally had the guts to ask her on a date.
It was under the old oak tree behind the high school where the fateful encounter took place. Y/N was eating lunch alone, Damian was sick and Matt had a test to take care of, when Rose joined him. The two talked about their future plans and their dreams. She wished to become a successful lawyer like her mother while Y/N still had no clue.
That's when he asked the question.
"Hey, would you like to go out sometime? Like to a cafe or the movies? Just us?" He asked.
Rose didn't answer right away. She instead blushed and looked down at her food. Y/N felt defeated, rejected, and embarrassed. That was until she spoke up.