Chapter 1

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Thor's P.O.V
You know,when Loki suggested we spend a day together walking through the lower town,I did not expect to deal with people coming to him and trying to get him to spend time with them. Some even dared to flirt! I know my brother and the(secret) love of my life is amazing and completely unreasonably handsome,but this is ridiculous. I fear that if they don't stop,I will not be able to contain my jealousy any longer and I will do something I will regret.
I look at Loki and notice he is looking at me,looking worried. Even though he's trying to hide it,it's always obvious to me what he's feeling.
"I have been saying your name for a few minutes,Thor. Is something bothering you?"
Oh,if you only knew.
"No,nothing is bothering me,Loki. Shall we continue our walk? If your admirers are all done" I smirk a little. Hey,he's not the only one who can mess with people.
He blushes.
It's adorable.
It is official. He is trying to kill me with his adorableness.
"I don't know why people keep coming to me. This usually never happens. It is weird"
Not weird at all,if you ask me. People just know you are perfect.
We started walking further through the lower part of Asgard.
Every time it looked like someone will talk to Loki,I would pull him closer to me or just stand closer to him. It earned me weird looks from Loki and the people around. But,I do not care. I am supposed to spend time with him,not watch other people talk to him and trying to win him over. I do realize I am acting ridiculous,but,I do not care. I notice Loki looking at me again with his beautiful emerald eyes.
I could get lost in those eyes forever and not mind at all.
"Thor,are you sure nothing is wrong? Your behavior is weird."
He is worried. I do not want him to be worried about me. I don't like it when he is worried.
"I'm fine,Loki,really."
He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously.
"Loki,really,I am fine. I would tell you if something was wrong."
I hope that me saying this reassured him. I really do hate it when he worries about something. Loki generally worries a lot about stuff,I don't need to be one more thing for him to worry about.
He sighs and continues walking. I feel like he didn't believe me. Well,he is the god of lies,after all. I just hope he won't figure out what I'm lying about. I don't think he would react well to me loving him in the not brotherly way.
I look around at all the stuff the people are selling. Perhaps I will find something for Loki.
I get excited by the possibility of giving him a gift,so I go and look around. I always like giving him things. He deserves everything.
After a few minutes of looking at all the stuff, I see a ring with an emerald on it. That's... That's perfect! But.... I'm not sure Loki will wear a ring of all things. Ah,whatever. I'll buy it anyway. I buy the ring and go to find Loki who wandered off while I was searching for a gift. I hope nothing happened to him and that he's okay. And that no one won him over... That's a serious concern,okay? I finally find him after a few minutes of searching. I come to him and grin.
"I have something for you,Loki"
Okay,that was maybe too much excitement in my voice... Whatever,I have a right to be excited when I get something for the one I love more then anything.
He looks at me, surprised.
"Really? Well,Thor,I have something for you too."
He got me something? That's... That's nice of him.
I decide to tease him a bit.
"I suppose that if I tell anyone you were nice to me and got me something,that I'll get stabbed"
He rolls his eyes.
"Feel free to tell everyone. You know why? Because no one will believe you."
Well... That's... A really good point...
Anyway,back to our gifts.
"Let's give the gifts to each other".
He nods and places something in my hand. I give the emerald ring into his.
I look at my hand and see a ring with a ruby on it.(the rings on the picture) Well... I guess we had the same thoughts.
He also looks surprised by the fact we had similar ideas for the gifts.
"It's beautiful,Thor. Thank you" He puts it on after saying that. I place mine on my finger. It's a perfect fit.
I look at him and he's smiling a little smile. He should smile more. His smile is the most beautiful thing ever. I could spend an eternity watching him smile and not have enough.
I hope he didn't notice me looking at him.
"So,Loki,do we go back or would you like to keep walking around?"
He thought about it for a few seconds.
"Let's go back. It's getting late"
Well,that's true.

*15 minutes later*

We're back at the castle. I just now noticed how late it actually is. But I guess time doesn't matter to me when I'm with Loki.
We bid each other goodnight and went to our rooms.

I changed and layed down on my bed.
I keep thinking about Loki and how my love for him grows stronger every day and I'm afraid I'll end up confessing soon.
I need to do something about it...
I need to make sure I don't confess.
And for that, I need some sort of plan.
I burry my head in the pillow and sigh.
After some time,I fall asleep thinking about Loki and his smile...

*meanwhile,Loki,in his room*
Loki's P.O.V
I really liked spending time with Thor... Well,I always like that,so I guess this isn't anything new.
He also liked the gift I got him,which is great.
But,he seemed like something is bothering him...
I'm worried about him. Even though I don't act like that most of the time.
I hope he'll tell me what's wrong. So that I can help him.
I fall asleep thinking of things that could be bothering my love...

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