Chapter 9

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Thor's P.O.V

Me and Loki have been together for days now.

And I've honestly never been happier.

I really haven't.

The only thing that could possibly ruin my happiness is...


Me and Loki didn't tell mother and father about us.

We know mother will most likely react well. Perhaps even be happy.

Actually,she'll definitely be happy for us.

After all,she's the one who kept telling me to tell Loki I love him.
I'm being ridiculous.

Mother's reaction will be great.
But... Father's...

I don't think he's goona react well.
I think his reaction will be the opposite of well.

Me and Loki really don't know what to do.

Do we tell him? Or we don't?

He's goona find out with time,obviously.

We can't keep this a secret forever,after all.

I wish we could.

I sigh and make my way to Loki's room. I knock.

"Come in,Thor."

How does he know it's me?
Is it a magic thing?

I enter and close the door behind me.

"Loki,I'm still thinking about what to say to father."

I guess he notices this has been rey bothering me,because he pulls me in for a hug.

Hugging him somehow always relaxes me and calms me down. And he knows it,because I told him. He was really surprised by this.

"I hope you won't mind me saying that we shouldn't tell him. He won't react well at all. Who knows what he might do."

I nuzzle into him.

I know he's right. It doesn't make me feel any better though.
I mean,he's our father. I love him and I really hope he'd be able to accept us.

I know he won't.

"I know you're right,Loki. And I know that we shouldn't tell him. But..."

He strokes my hair,trying to comfort me.
"But what,love?"

I sigh

"But I don't want to hide this. I adore you. And I'm happy we're together. I don't want to hide it like it's something wrong. Because it's not. It's not wrong. At least not to me.
This is the most right thing in the entire world. In all of the worlds,actually."

He smiles at me

"I feel the same way you do,Thor.
You know I do.
But,we're brothers. I highly doubt a lot of people would accept us and our relationship. They would react badly. And father's reaction would surely be the worst of all the reactions."

I hate it that he's right.
I really,really do.

I also hate this all this hiding and secrecy.

"Well... At least mother supports us.
We should tell her about us soon."

He nods
"Yes,we should. I agree. We could tell her now,if you want. She's alone right now."

I guess we can.

I nod and get up
"Then tell her we will."

Loki's P.O.V

Me and Thor go to mother,who is,just like I guessed,alone.

I'm slightly nervous and I don't even know why.

Mother accepted this from the start and she was always telling us to confess our love to each other.

Me and Thor sit in front of her.

"Mother,me and Thor have something to tell you."

She looks at us
"Well, you can tell me anything. You know that."

I have this strange feeling like she already knows what we have to say to her.

How does she always know everything?

"I'll let Thor tell you. It's all his fault,after all."

Thor glares at me and pokes me.
"It's not a fault. I didn't do anything bad."

I poke back
"It all still happened thanks to you. So,talk."

He glares at me.

Then he looks at mother.
"Mother,me and Loki are in an relationship."

She smiles and grins
"Well,finally. It was about time. Took you long enough. I'm glad you finally got together today."


Thor fidgets.

She narrows her eyes at us.
"It was today,right?"

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Ummm... No,mother... It wasn't...
We got together 4 days ago".

She smacks us.

I should have seen this coming.

"And you're just telling me?!"

I rub the spot where she smacked me. Thor does the same with his spot.

She's seriously strong when smacking.

Thor looks sorry.
"I'm sorry,mother. We were just nervous."

I nod
"Exactly. Just nervous. That's all."

She stops glaring as hard as before.
"Well,at least you told me."

Then she smiles.
"Congratulations. I'm glad you're finally together."

Me and Thor both smile back
"Thank you,mother".

Now we're even talking at the same time.


Thor's P.O.V

We talked to mother for awhile before leaving to our rooms to go sleep.

This has been a  great day.

The best day ever,actually.

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