Chapter 4

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Loki's P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since the whole Thor ignoring me thing.
And me smashing that piece of cake in his face.
He still didn't let that go. I wonder if he ever will.
After all, he still didn't let go of me stabbing him when we were kids.
So he can definitely hold a grudge for a very long time.


Things are all better now.
He's not ignoring me anymore and he seems to be in a better mood.

Although,he still didn't tell me what's bothering him.
If he won't tell me,I hope he'll at least tell someone else.
I don't like it when something bothers him.

For some reason,I feel like whatever is bothering him...
That it isn't bad.
I don't know why I feel like it isn't bad,but I just do.
Although, Thor definitely thinks it's bad.
I think he's probably over thinking things,but...
He's maybe not.

It's hard to form an opinion  on something when you have no idea what's going on.
I've stopped being hurt about him not telling me.
If he won't tell me,then it's most probably something he thinks is serious and something I won't take well.

Does he really think my reaction will be so bad?

Well... He most likely does.

Why does he always think I'll have a bad reaction to something?

Thor's P.O.V

I think I need to talk to mother again.
I'm most probably annoying her with all my questions and whining...
But,I have no one else to talk to about this.
And I do need help with this.
Mother is always the best help with anything and always gives the best advice.

Frigga's P.O.V
I really don't understand why my son's just can't talk to each other.
It's not that hard.

I don't mind them asking me for advice and talking to me about things.
I love it when they talk to me. And I'm glad they know they can always talk to me about anything.

The problem is,they don't take my advice.

And they don't think I'm serious when I say that they both like each other.

I swear,if they don't stop being so oblivious,I think I'll have lift  them up in the air and hang them upside down.

Perhaps then their brains will start working and they'll stop being so oblivious to something that's obvious to almost everyone else.

Speaking of which,in comes Thor...
For the 3rd time this day...

Thor's P.O.V

I come to mother and sit in front of her.
"Mother,I think I should perhaps tell Loki I love him."

I expect her to be shocked by the part
where I said I love him,but,she isn't shocked at all.
She just nods.
"Yes,I also think you should do that.
It would be about time.You boys are so slow sometimes"

Which, okay,fair enough...
I do feel insulted though...
"You don't seem surprised at all by this."

She,again,looks at me like I'm dumb.
Why do people keep giving me that looks?
"Thor,it's obvious you love him. And that he loves you back. You never outright said it to me when talking to me,but,I could see it. Almost everyone can see it."

Is it really that obvious?
And,are me and Loki really that oblivious?
Also... Does he really love me back?

What if I confess my love only to find out he doesn't love me back?

Mother seems to notice my distress,because she takes my hand and squeezes it.
"Thor,really. He does love you. There's absolutely no doubt about that. I know Loki doesn't show his emotional side often,but,he really does love you. Now,I suggest you go and tell him you love him. Don't hesitate and don't wait."

I nod and get up.
I make my way to Loki's room.

I'm about to knock when I change my mind,put my hand down and run away.

Well,no,not run away.
It's tactical retreat.
It's definitely not running away.
Shut up.

Anyway,not to be dramatic(That's Loki's job after all.) but I would rather go... I don't know... Do something disgusting... Then confess my feelings to Loki. This is too dangerous. 

I know mother says he loves me back.
But there's a possibility that what she says isn't true.
I'm not willing to risk it.

What if I tell him I love him and then he starts to hate me? Or gets disgusted?

Or,even worse,he feels bad he doesn't feel the same,so he says he feels the same and gets in a relationship with me while not loving me the way I love him.

I don't want any of that.

So,I won't tell him.

And that's that.

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