Warnings in advance

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So first off i would like to start by introducing myself a bit and telling you some important things about the book.

My name is Courtney, im 17 years old and for security reasons i will leave out my current whereabouts, but i do indeed live on earth :P I am a musician, a nerd and an all round book fanatic, can you have those...i dont know you can now! I am very new to writing tho and i would like to apologise in advance for any boring story's and spelling mistakes.

So a little bit about the book. It is my own Story and my own words. I believe very strongly in respecting ones creations so i would please ask that no one steal any of my work and claim that it is their own. if my book does inspire you or you think a certain scene of mine would work great for your book, please ask permission before hand and as long as you refer to me at the bottom of the page to say that it is based off mine i dont mind. throughout the book you will see ***** at the bottom of the pages, this is my authors note. I hate thinking an author has updated and its just an authors note so i promise i will never do this too you and they will be at the bottom of the page. 

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