Chapter 3 </3

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 Rick’s POV

So it is almost time for the party. Emily told me that she was not gonna get dressed up because she has no reason to, but has still spent the last 2 hours in her room, music blasting. I decided to get dressed up tho. I jumped out of the shower and rapped a towel round my waist and walked over to the chest of draws. I decided to wear a black formal shirt with the sleeves rolled up, you know nice but casual, black skinny jeans with my superman converse, Emily always loved those converses and would wear them whatever chance she got. I got out my straightener and straitened the ends of my hair when I heard the door bell go off. I quickly pulled on my shirt and ran to the door, 50 or so people waiting outside crammed into the small door way and rushed inside. Within 5 mins there was music going, people drinking, it was going to be a great party. There was just one thing wrong...Where was Emily?

Emily’s POV

I told rick i was not gonna get dressed up but that was a lie. The party had already started and i was almost done when i heard Jake talking to someone outside. “so where is this Emily chick you were talking about.”

“Don’t worry she will be here, she has to be. And mark my words by the end of the night she will be on my arm.”

“i doubt that mate, half of the school is here she may see someone she likes more than you.”

“Please. I spent this morning with her, she is practically already mine.” If he thinks that i am going to hook up with him after one day of meeting him he can think again. And who is to say i will find someone maybe I don’t want to move on because I know Mason will come back....well i hope he will.

Rick’s POV

So the party was going really well except i had still not seen Emily. I was standing there just looking out for her when this blond haired girl came up to me and started playing with my hair and talking about how her boyfriend cheated on her. She was obviously drunk; i had no interest in her at all. She was not my type i don’t go for that kind of girls, they have to be smart....Intelligence is sexy! So i left her standing there as she poured herself another drink to drunk to realise that i had walked away from her and that’s when i saw her. It was Emily. She had walked out of her room which was right next to the DJ both so as she did the music stopped and everyone stared at my sexy Emily. And boy was she sexy. She was dressed in a short black mini dress which had a black patterned material on the front and the back was lace up, she was wearing black strappy heels that were also black but had a slight sparkly blue to them when she was in the light. Her hair was done to the side and she had smoky eye makeup on. She looked amazing! And she must have seen my reaction to her because she giggled and started to walk over to me.

Emily’s POV

So i was done getting ready over an 15 mins ago but i thought that i should make Rick wait a while until he saw me. i sat in my room for another 5 mins listening to music before i decided to go out there. I put on my heels and checked my makeup and hair one last time in the mirror before leaving. I opened the door and the sound rushed over me, i looked around to see the DJ had set up next to my room i opened the door fully and the music stopped and everyone was staring at me. i kind of liked all the attention i was getting. I looked around and saw a lot of boys with their mouth open and many of them had their girlfriends slapping them on the shoulder to make them stop staring but there was only one person i was looking for. Rick. I saw him probably 6-7 people away he had his mouth wide open and he was looking me up and down....i guess he likes what he sees. I giggle and begin to walk over to him. The music started up again but it was still very quiet. I got to him and he was speechless. He was mumbling words here and there i just grabbed his hand and giggled. He seemed to gain control of himself and dragged me towards the dance floor. “Wonna dance.” He said with the biggest and silliest smile i have ever seen.

“I’d love to.”

Jake’s POV

Emily looked amazing i mean wow! “Is that the girl you were talking about?” josh whispered to me not taking his eyes off of her. “Oh yeah that’s her. I told you she was hot.”

“Dude you said she was hot you said nothing about her being a sex goddess.” I saw her looking around then her eyes locked onto mine. I knew she liked me, but i mean who wouldn’t. She giggled and started to walk towards me until i realised she was not looking at me...SHE WAS LOOKING AT RICK! That CUNT. He was trying to set me up with her and now he thinks he can take her away. She walked straight past me and stood looking up at him. The dick head could not talk he was lost for words. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. No i will not let this one get away from me she is mine.

Emily’s POV

Ganganm Style came on and we started dancing like crazy. This was always our favourite song of all time! Yes we may be emo but anyone could agree this song was catchy! He had his hands on my waist and i had mine around his neck, my hips were shaking and he was smiling like mad, everyone was looking at us, it was the perfect night. “Ok we have come to that time of the night were every guy must dance with a girl they have not yet met.” The DJ’s voice played over the music as the song changed to were in heaven by DJ Sammy. I really didn’t want to dance with anyone other than Rick so i decided to sit this dance out. “I think ill skip this dance, Rick.”

“Yeah i think so too.” Rick started to walk over to where Jake and some guy were standing. The other boy i had never met and he kept looking me up and down with a sick smile on his face. What a perv. I decided to go and get something to eat when i bumped into someone very tall. “Oh I’m sorr....” i couldn’t finish my sentence he was gorgeous. He was tall, a lot taller than me, he had blue hair that fell over his eyes and he had sparkling blue eyes that i could see clearly through his hair. He had a couple of pimples on his cheeks that were hidden by his hair but very faint never the less. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a black top and converse. He looked amazing. If perfection was real i had just found it! “Sorry there love, you might want to watch where your going, a beautiful girl like yourself, might get hurt.” I did not know what to say. For the first time in my life i was actually speechless about a guy, this never happens you usually can never shut me up. My heart was beating a thousand times a second and my palms started to heat up. Its like all my thoughts went out the window, I could feel my cheeks getting redder and redder by the second i just hid my face from him. “Don’t hide your face love; you look so much cuter when you blush.” He lifted my face up before he started to walk away. I suddenly got my sense of control. “You going to leave me without as little as a name.” I said in the cheekiest voice I could manage, he stopped and turned around slowly. “It’s Danny and you are?”


“Would you like to dance Emily?” he grabbed my hand before I could even answer but come on like I was going to say no. They played another slow song for us; it was "Every time we touch" by Brittany spears. I loved this song; it was the only one of her songs I like. I don’t know what happened one second we were dancing and the next i had my neck resting on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around me and it actually felt really nice. As the song ended we let go of each other. “Do you want to go for a walk Emily?”

“Sure id love to.” Great I’m blushing again -_-.

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