Chapter 4 </3

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                                                                                          Danny’s POV

Emily was amazing. She was sweet and funny and a great dancer, she was also so beautiful. I have never met anyone like her before, but when i think about it i had never seen her before either. She must be new to town. We made our way to a park just across the road from the party. I had no idea what to talk about i never feel this awkward around girls but she was different. It was like all the thoughts in my mind had gone and she was all that was left. “’re new in town?”Emily looked up probably wondering how i knew that.

“Yeah i am, how did you know?” she asked adding a small laugh to the end. I can’t let her see that i am freaking out over what to say next, it will blow my cover ;) “There is no one around here that looks like you.” I couldn’t help myself and this time it was my turn to blush and she must have noticed because she started to blush as well. What is wrong with me I never blush, this girl has already got me breathless and i have only known her for a short amount of time. We made our way to the centre of the park and sat down on the swing set letting the wind push us. “So how do you know Rick?” god! The one question i was wishing she would not ask. “ do you know him?” she looked down at the floor like she did not want to answer the question...well that will make two of us. “Well I’m kind of staying with him.” of course, i knew it was too good to be true she is dating Rick. “I’ve known him since i was young and my parents are leaving for an around the world trip for work so im staying with him for the rest of the year.” She looked up at me. “I’m not dating him if thats what your thinking.” She laughed like she could not imagine her and Rick Dating which is good that means i have a chance. “Well i go to school with him. i wouldn’t say were close though. I don’t think he even noticed that i was at the party to be honest, but then again when he has a party he never invites people privately, it’s more like a come and go as you please party you know.” I hated talking about Rick, i hated it as much as i hated him. He was a douche bag, but i couldn’t say that to her. She has known him since she was young and she seems to nice to be in anyway like him. “And what school do you guys go to? Its not Silverdale is it? Thats where im going. It would be good to know one person other than Rick.” OH MY GOD! She is going to my school, ok, ok, calm down Trent. Stop acting like a school girl. “really thats awesome thats where we go.”

“REALLY! mean thats cool.” She smiled her sweet smile and i literally melted. Oh my god i sound like a girl what is wrong with me, i don’t think about all this mushie stuff, but then again, i have never met anyone like her before. I looked at my watch and it was 3:18 am wow we have been out here for ages. “It’s getting late. We should head back to the party.” She looked sad at the ground. “yeah we should Rick is probably looking for me.” i couldn’t help but feel sad when she said his name. “how are you getting to school tomorrow?” i don’t see Rick taking her,  he is probably got planes to drive one of the cheerleaders. “Um i don’t know to be honest, i thought i would get maybe Rick to drive me or something i don’t know.” Thats when i thought of the perfect plan.”Well you know i could drive you if you wanted.” I probably sounded really shy just then but i don’t think she noticed. She looked at me with a big smile on her face. “id love that!” she kept smiling it was so cute. “well here ill give you my number and ill pick you up around 8:30 ish if thats ok with you?” “Yeah perfect.” She got out her phone taking a pic of me before she handed it to me to put my number in, i did the same and we started to walk back to the party.

                                                                                                    Ricks POV

Where is Emily? She has been gone for an hour now. No one is left here anymore just me and Jake, we have Josh and some other guys looking for her im freaking out now.  “wow where did everyone go?” i heard Emily’s voice coming from the front door. “Emily where have you be...” and thats when i saw who she was with. Mr fucking perfect...Danny. how dare he even talk to her that asshole, who does he think he is. I went up and gave Emilly a hug pulling her away from Danny. “Wow what was that for Ricky?” she laughed like nothing was wrong. “the party ended over an hour ago i had no idea where you were. What were you doing?” i was probably overreacting a little bit but i did not know where she was and now i find that she was with him. WTF! She just looked blankly at me like she did not have an answer. “She me Rick....i lost track of time...sorry to caused you any stress.” He couldn’t keep himself from stuttering the fag, and i know exactly why. “No it was my fault Rick, we were at the park just talking and i forgot about everything. Its not Danny’s Fault.” She turned to him and smiled, what is going on here what did he tell her and why is she acting so nice to him. “i think im going to go to bed now. Night Rick.” She came up and gave me a hug, not a long one like our last ones it was short and different, not like Emily. “And good night to you Danny.” She smiled up at him giving him a hug and kiss on the check. Ok this has gone on long enough. As soon as Emily left the room it was my time to strike. I grabbed Trent by his collar and pushed him against the wall. “What the fuck were you doing with her. You stay away from her you hear me, i don’t ever want to see you with her again you hear me, or else i will get the football team on you.” He looked scared, really scared and that exactly what i wanted. I let him go and he fell straight to the floor with a thud. He got up still shaky on his feet took one look at me and started to walk towards the door. Emily will be so much better with me than she ever will be with him. i know it! 

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