Ist Day

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This is the first story I am writing, so I hope you guys enjoy it!

Mia's POV:

First day of school as the cheerleader captain, gonna be fun right? Wrong.
You might think that because I'm part of the cheerleading squad, every single day must be great, but for me it's not.

"Earth to Mia!" I groan as my older brother Max literally drags me out of bed.

"I was up already!"

I get up and get dressed in my black and red lace dress. In movies, you see cheerleaders wearing bows and pink shit but I don't do that, it's too cliche.

I have electric blue eyes and long blond hair and I'm 15.

I'm not old enough to legally drive so that means I have to get in a ride with Max the 'captain of the football team as he calls himself.

We arrive in school and I'm greeted by my Bff Tiana. She has brown curly hair and hazel eyes.


There's the bell, school has officially started. I'm not eager to see new faces.

A new boy stands in front of the class, neatly combed hair, glasses, no sign of phones, a stack of books and a diary.
Typical nerd, like I mean, who still carries a diary!

"Who's he?" Tiana askes.

"I don't know for su..."

"His name is Isaac," my teacher butts in as usual.

Normally, there are 3 rows in our class, first for the geeks/nerds, second for the popular and last for the bad boys. The only seat that was left was in front, which was a not so good first impression.

At last third period came, chemistry, not because I liked the subject but because I wanted school to end.

Today was not as dramatic as usual which I think is because Jake isn't at school today. Jake is one of my bestest friend as a boy since childhood.

He has green eyes, darkish blond hair and a super ego. But sometimes he can be annoying wait, no, most of the time.

"Mia! You have no idea what just happened!" Tiana squealed.

"What happened?"

"Do you know Mikaela?"

"Um... maybe?"

"Whatever, Jason just asked her out and she said yes!!"

I wonder how she did not notice this before, that they liked each other.

"Amazing" I think she must've known I was sarcastic because she rolled her eyes at me.

At home...

Normally I would wear a nightgown but today I was feeling lazy so I wore a top and shorts to bed.

I just reply any pending messages and I start to doze of into a light sleep which I inherited from my parents, light sleeping, freaking light sleeping.

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