Lest We Regret

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Mia's POV:

This was the second day of school and guess what, Jake is back! Not that I'm excited or anything, is just that there will at least be some fun in school.

"My favourite girl!" Jake laughs.

"Why can't you just be normal?"

"Normal as in this?" He points at himself.


You know when I said he was my bestest friend, well not now at least. Just pointing it out there so don't come at me.

As a cheerleader, the obvious happens, what I mean is that I get boys liking me and other girls getting jealous.

"My two best people!" Tiana says as she literally skips in.

"Hi T!" That's the nickname I gave Tiana.


"One, two, three, four! You must now go out the door!" I chant.

Cheerleading practise was now at full swing.

"Five, six, seven, eight! If you have sticks, lay them straight!"

I know, I know, very weird chant right?
Those were the only words that I could think of that rhymed.

Suddenly Jake and his so called boy group walked in, the gym.

Jake had 5 really close friends, Micah, Lucas, Luke, Chris and Brandon. Luke and Lucas were non identical twins. Let me talk about each of them.

Micah has red hair and brown eyes, Lucas had blond hair and blue eyes, Luke had blond hair and green eyes.

Chris had black hair and surprisingly very dark brown eyes and finally Brandon, he had brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hey Mia!" Jake walks in last.


"How are you always where I am?"

"Maybe I'm just attracted to you" He smirks.

"Haha, very funny" I roll my eyes at him.

Maybe, now is the time to show him what he is messing with, I then do a straddle split, two cartwheels and a tumble.

"Woah! Easy there tiger!" Jake snorts as Luke snickers.



By the time Max and I get back home my mom and my dad were already home. Get this, my mom has darkish blond hair and green eyes and my dad has brown hair with green eyes. So tell me where I got my blue eyes from?

Anyways, Max can be annoying like, one time when we were eating dinner as a family a few years back, he pranked me by putting pop rocks in my pasta and mentos in my coke.

I pranked him back by putting fake realistic snakes in his bed but I got grounded for that cause my parents said ' he could have had a heart attack'

I was fuming at that point because where was that lecture when he pranked me?

Anyways, enough talking for now, I got into any pyjamas, literally any I could find and I went to a surprisingly heavy snore. Unusual.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, this was a quick preview of everyone, don't worry Isaac, the nerd will come in the next chapter or so.
Love from:

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