I Said No

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Mia's POV:

It's been more than a week since I have brought up that dating topic.

Jake has been trying his best to try not to bully other people.

But I'm afraid of telling him it's not gonna work, I have not yet told him that I like Isaac.

If I do he will surely murder him, Isaac has been hanging out a lot with me lately which leads me to think that he feels the same.

Jake not so much, he usually hangs out with the boys, doing boy stuff, the usual.

It's mid-term break right now, school's in a week. I am bored, there's no ine to hang out with, Tiana already left an hour ago with her cousin. The only option is Isaac.

I know what you guys are thinking, Netflix and chill right?
Wrong, no.1 I am not old enough an secondly I don't want to rush into things.

I text Isacc on Snapchat, saying that we should go to Wendy's if we can and he replies almost immidietly with sure.

I wear a cropped black hoodie with a fake Supreme logo on it because ya girl don't have money to be wasting on some t-shirt. I also wear a pair of denim jeggins and high top sneakers.

I tell him to meet me outside my house.

We arrived at Wendy's 15 minutes later, after a while gave me the biggest shock. Jake was there, we make eye contact, he glares.

"Jake, jake!" The second time! What luck.

"You told me you were thinking about it, but really you were dating this bastard over here!"

"We are not dating," I try to keep my cool.

"Then what are you doing over here?"

I try to look for the right words.

"We were on a friendly...outing,"

Wrong choice.

"You fucking betrayed me!"

"...Jake, I'm so sor-"

"Forget it Mia, our friendship is now done!"

"Jake, I didn't have the heart to tell you no,"

"Leave me alone!" I see betrayal in his eyes. I deserved it.

"Jake...I messed up, Jake, I'm sorry,"

He doesn't listen, he walks away, out of sight.

Isaac, was just there the whole time, I had no one except Isaac at this point. I cry on his shoulder. He smells sooo gooood.

"Mia, it's okay, I am here for you, I will always be here for you," He whispers in my ear, his breath smells like strawberries.

Author's Note:
This is to compensate for the chapter or two that I missed, exams is in two weeks, so pray for my success, I'm scared as fuck. But I trust myself.
Love from:

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