Red Hot

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Jake's POV:

"To be honest, I don't really think I have ever had the thought of playing football proffesionally," I squirm.

"Wait...what!" Micah and Chris almost literally shouted.

"Maybe at least at some point!" Brandon pop-eyed.

"No, not really," I uncomfortably say.

"Wow" Micah slow claps.

"I prefer dubstep, those sick beats man!"

"Weakling," Chris scoffes in my face. Rude man, just rude.

"Whatever," I just roll my eyes.

I grab my lunch of the table, just one hour left, what should I do? I head down to my locker which was opposite Mia's.

I am looking for Mia,where could she have gone?

I walk over to the theatre to try and find her.

I walk in, I see her touching Isaac's face, I am astonished, I feel red all over my body.

I am so angry, but I don't know why. I feel an emotion I have never felt before.

It was an uncontrollable feeling, like getting slapped. The fact that she was touching Isaac's face broke me for a reason that I don't know.

I storm out of that God forsaken place, I hear her call out to me but I ignore her. I race into the boys bathroom and stay there.

I was wimpering, sobbing but I was questioning myself. Why was I crying? Why was I so mad? What overcame me?
I was starting to get frustrated.

I told our receptionist that I needed to go home immidieatly with the excuse of that ideas not feeling so well.

I got into a school uber. Our school pays for uber just in case your parents can't come to pick you for some reason.

I told him my address and awkwardly sitting there in silence.

Immidietly I got home, I rushed upstairs, locked my room door and sat there in silence, looking at the past.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door, I ignore it.

"Jake! Jake! Open your door!" It was my sister, she's 18, in college, has a boyfriend and looks a lot like the girl and older version of me.

I get up and open my door, here we go.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, it's getting juicy! I feel like a lot is gonna happen next chapter. FYI the next chapter, I will be switching between Jake and Mia's POV.
I'm sorry this chapter may be a little short, it's because I'm sick with a cold, so that means I may not update for a while until I get better. So wish me luck! And finally a shoutout to @kkonut6 (Angelica).
Bye and love from:

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