Chapter 13

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Cold — it was cold.

Quiet — it was quiet.

I was engulfed by a mournful silence. The kind that makes everything eery and depressing.

I didn't know how I ended up feeling so trapped. It was like falling down a bottomless pit. I was in a silent and dark place.

It started when I made Aaron leave, which was just after Loren and Harvey left.

I didn't know why i felt this way — no words could explain the feeling of, nothingness.

I was trying to forget that I'm being followed and watched by someone who knows any and everything — I try hard to forget that I'm not always alone.

I want to scream and cry, because, I don't know how to fucking deal with this.

"I want you to leave me alone," I spoke to nobody. I just hoped that whoever is tormenting me could hear it. "Do anything to me — if it involves Loren or Harvey, or even Aaron. It's a no-go. Leave me the fuck alone."

I was angry. I felt nothing but bitterness — I really hate that feeling.

"Stop doing this to me — I didn't do anything to deserve this."

Just after saying that, my phone beeped.

Unknown: you sure you didn't? Macy Barkley; 8th grade. Amanda Patterson; 9th. Carter Ramsey; summer '18.

"They hurt me — I didn't do shit to them."

Unknown: why do you think they hurt you?

It stings — I can't take it.

"Macy said, I'm a two faced liar, because I dated her ex. Amanda called me a whore because her dad got arrested for trying to touch me. Carter — I rejected him. I didn't feel the same so I told him no. He said that I hurt him, so he physically and mentally hurt me."

Only one person know about all that — only one person knew that those people hurt me and told everyone that I hurt them first.

I didn't really think of it at first — but when realization hit me like a truck — I was hurt. Again.

"Jordyn?" I questioned, aloud.

My phone beeped. I didn't want to read it but I had to figure this out.

Unknown: Bingo.


I don't know how to end this fucking book — but it's gonna be ending soon. Soooo , yeah lmao.

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