Hogwarts Express Part 2

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However, before Scorpius can say anything, the door is slid open, and in walks a girl. She has lots of bushy red hair, freckles, and rather large front teeth. She walks up to Elsa.

The girl- What on earth have you done? You do realise that this carriage is blue, don't you? You're going to be in an awful lot of trouble, you know...

Scorpius- Only if you snitch on us. Who are you anyway?

The girl jumps, realising that Scorpius is in the carriage too.

Rose- R-Rose. Rose Weasley. And you are...?

Scorpius- Scorpius Malfoy.

Rose- (Disgusted) Oh, a Malfoy...

Scorpius- What's so wrong with my name, Weasley?

Rose pretends not to hear him. She turns to Elsa.

Rose- Try and get rid of all the ice, will you? You don't want to get on the wrong side of the Professors on the first day, after all.

Then, with an icy glare at Malfoy, she stalks out the carriage.

Elsa- Sheesh, that girl has a problem. What does she find so wrong with your name anyway?

Scorpius ignores the question.

Elsa- Oh well, it doesn't really matter. Can you tell me all there is to know about Hogwarts?

Scorpius- (glad to change the subject) Yea, of course! Let me tell you all about the four Hogwarts houses. The best house is Slytherin...

Five minutes later.

It's for people with brains, people with dreams, people who are fighters, and not cowards. Gryffindor, on the other hand, is for...

Scene IV: Several hours later. The train has just arrived at Hogsmeade and students are piling out of the carriages onto a tiny dark platform. A large man with lots of bushy black hair makes his way through the sea of students, carrying a lamp.

The man- Firs' years! Firs' years o'er here!

Elsa- Who and what is he? That surely can't be one of our teachers?

Elsa at Hogwarts: The 1st YearWhere stories live. Discover now