Markus x reader Friends with benefits

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I laid down on his bed our backs facing each other. It was another long night with him and I decided to stay over for tonight

He doesn't love you

I know

You're just a toy to him

I know

I cried silent tears as I listened to the voices in my head. It was all true I was nothing more than a decent fuck for him. It started a year ago when he and North broke up and we started to get a little closer until


He smashed his lips onto mine and I kissed back passionately as he pushed me to the bed. We had sex until sunrise and I tried hugging him as a way to say good morning but all he did was push me away "I'm sorry I'm just not ready for a relationship right now but if it's okay how about we become friends with benefits"he asked I nodded
Flash back end

and looking back I should've never agreed.

I was too in love with him to see how it would affect me

How all those phone calls

Those texts

Those empty sheets

How they would hurt me so badly to the point where they keep me up at night crying myself to sleep.

"Hey you should go now"he tapped my shoulder not looking at me and I got dressed leaving quickly.

You see he doesn't care about you

I know

You might as well become a prostitute if all you're giving him is sex might as well get paid for it

The voice sneered in the back of my mind tears blurred my vision as I walked down the snowy streets of Detroit. I crossed the street without looking only to see bright lights coming at me
"Watch out!!" Everything seemed as if it was going in slow motion and I felt my tears float for a second as I stared my death right in it's eyes ready to welcome it. I felt my body get pushed to the side with a person on top of me

"Are you okay?!"he asked I couldn't seem to find the words to say anything I just stared into his chocolate brown eyes feeling a warmth resonate from deep inside me. "Can you stand"he wrapped his arms around my waist trying to stand me up but my legs gave out he caught me just in time carrying me bridal style to a bench. "Connor why did you run off like t-"he seemed out of breath but looked similar to the one he called Connor "Sorry Richard I just saved her from a truck"he said calling the other over

"Mrs are you okay"I nodded and they decided to bring me home not really trusting me on my own. "Stay safe alright"he held my hand in his "Connor let's go Hank will be mad if we're late for dinner again" the other yelled and he gave me a small smile before leaving. I looked at my hand seeing a phone number and I blushed feeling a warm sensation again. Maybe just maybe

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