Gokudera-Chapter 1

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"Oi!Stupid women,where are you!?" is the only word came from Gokudera's mouth as he budge into the classroom.

Tsuna:"Huh?Gokudera-kun,who are you talking about?"


Yamamoto:"Just now during the homeroom session teacher says that she is sick and did not come.Haha,you were not listening,were you?"

Gokudera:"Shut up,baseball idiot!"

Reborn:"Why don't we go visit her after school?"

Tsuna:"Re-Reborn?! Where did you appear from?!"


Gokudera:"Mr Reborn."

Reborn:"So,what's your answer,dame-Tsuna?"



Yamamoto:"Haha,Okay then."

Gokudera:"So-sorry tenth,I would not be going."

Tsuna:"O-Ok then."

-After school-

Tsuna:"Ok,let's go."


Tsuna:"Eh,where is Gokudera-kun?"

Yamamoto:"I thought he say he would not be coming?"

Tsuna:"Oh Yeah! Why don't we ask Kyoko and Haru to accompany as too?"

Reborn:"Good idea!"

So,they all went to your house to pay a visit.

-At your house-

Tsuna knocked on your door a few times and after a few minutes,you opened the door weakly.

Hara:"Oh my! (y/n)-chan,you are so pale!"

Kyoko:"And you are flushing!"

You:"I'm fine,just abit fever. Don't worry,come on in!"


After all had sited down,you said:"Eh? Is it my imagination or there is someone missing here?" and Reborn replied:"That stupid dynamite guy is not here." You then say:"Oh,okay,then I would prepare one lesser cup of tea" and you walk shakily towards the kitchen.But you were so dazed due to the fever that you triped.Yamamoto saw and managed to caught you in time.He brought you to your bedroom and gently place you on the bed,of course,Tsuna and others followed.Tsuna took the thermometer beside your bed and put it in your mouth,and after he check the thermometer,he shouted:"Oh my! 40.0 degree!?"

Haru and Kyoko:"What!?"


You:"Don't worry,I will be okay if I have enough rest."


You:"I would like to sleep now so could all of you leave now?"

Reborn:"If you say so..."

Tsuna:"Bu-But Reborn!"

Reborn:"Shut up,you dame-tsuna."

and he knock him out.

Reborn:"Yamamoto,could you pls carry this idiot?"

Yamamoto:"Sur-Sure" and with that,everybody leaves.

To be continue...

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