Gokudera-Chapter 2

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-Outside your house-

"I'm sure Gokudera should come and visit (y/n).I can't believe that she's so weak that she fainted!(at least that's what they thought)" Yamamoto said to Reborn walking beside him and everyone expect the fainted Tsuna nodded in agreement.A smirk then suddenly appear on Reborn's face and he said:"Don't worry,Gokudera might be stubborn but he's not cold blooded,I'm sure he knows what to do." and after he finished his words he pointed towards a pillar near your house with some sliver hair peeking out.Everybody quickly realised who was it and decided to leave quietly.

-back to your house-

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hmmm? Did Tsuna them forgot their things?" you thought as you climb up of bed weakly.You open the door and greeted the embarrassed Gokudera with a weak shocked face.He blushed hard and turn away before saying:"I'm just passing by so I decided to check on you."

You giggled and ask in a teasing tone:"Eh? Then I wonder who was the guy that have sliver hair hiding behind the pillar near my house,hehe" and he blushed again.

"An-Anyway,how are you feeling?" he ask with a worried face while blushing and you simply answer:"Fine."

He hanged his head a bit and say:"Liar..."

"Hu--"before you could finish Gokudera had kissed you on the lips.

"Just now I heard Yamamoto say you fainted,so how could you be fine!" he say as he broke the kiss and you could see that his shoulders are shaking a little.You look at him shocked and he looked back with a very sad eyes.

"Sorry..." you said and he kissed you again but this time more rough,a kiss that is full of frustration and sadness.He slowly guided you back into the house backward while continue kissing you.

To be continue...(lemon next)

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