Xanxus - Extended End

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-Time skip 2 months later-

After that day, the times Xanxus throws you bottle had obviously decreased. Prehaps because you had been feeling unwell more often nowadays....

Well, you ain't stupid, so you kinda had an idea why you were feeling nauseous so oftenly and why your monthly girl's problem hadn't come for these 2 months. :)

You secretly brought the pregnancy test from a nearby store and tested it and not surprisingly, it's tested positive. You signed and threw the test in the bin and got ready for work. You weren't feeling ultimate despair though, cause you were sure you got options to deal with it. First option, abortion. Second option, raise it on your own. Well, its definitely not the end of the world so you've decided to just put it on the back of your mind for now.

Today the Ninth came to have a meeting about the Varia. Squalo will attend with you in Xanxus's stead and the three of you gathered in a meeting room. Squalo didn't like the Ninth very well just like Xanxus but decided it was somewhat important so he should at least listen. He leaned back on the chair with his arms folded and listened to whatever you reported to the Ninth. Just when you were to finish reporting, Luss barged into the room.

Luss :"(y-y/n)-chan!!! You! Why didn't you tell us, or at least me?!"

You :"What the hell, tell you what?"

Luss :"THIS!"

Luss showed you the the used pregnancy test that you threw away earlier(warped in a tissue).

Both the Ninth and Squalo jaws dropped when they saw it.

Luss :"I found it in your trash bin!"

You :"I somehow feel that I have no privacy even in my bathroom right now. -_-"

Luss :"That's not the problem! Why didn't you tell us about you being pregnant?!"

You :"Because I just found out this morning and had no time since I needed to work?"

Luss :"Geez (y/n)-chan, you being pregnant is definitely the more urgent than work!"

You :"I don't think so. I'm still in the middle of reporting to the Ninth, can you please get out already?"

With that, you forcefully pushes the protesting Luss out of the room and sat back down. But too bad the meeting isn't going to continue, the Ninth and Squalo isn't happy with the sudden news either.

Ninth :"So tell me (y/n), who is the father?"

You :"Not you too Ninth, can we just finish this meeting already..."


You :"And I don't see what's the big deal"

Squalo :"Are you serious?!" *facepalm*

Ninth :"..........Okay then, let's finish the meeting."

Squalo :"WHAT?!"

You :"Sweet, thank you"

Squalo sat back down reluctant and you continued reporting...

You :"And thats the end for my report."

Ninth :"I see, good job and thank you. I guess that will bring an end to this meeting then."

You :"Alright, I will be leaving then."

You stood up and turn to leave but the Ninth grabbed you hand.

Ninth :"(y/n), we need to talk now, as friend~"

You :"Darn"

You knew this was coming.

Squalo :"I'm staying too"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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