Belphegor - Lemon

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He sat on your bed and hugged your body and pressed his lips onto yours just like how he had fed you the medicine, just that without medicine this time.

You tried breaking the kiss but you are still weak from the fever and so you can't fight against him. He licked your lips but you refused him. He touches your waist and you yelp, giving him access to your mouth. He immediately push his tongue into your mouth and entangle his tongue with yours. You tried fighting for dominance over your mouth but lose.

He broke the kiss, leaving a trail of saliva connecting the both of you. You glared and Bel smirked. Then, he hugged you tighter with one hand and roughly grab your breast with another hand, making you yelp. He rubbed your breast skillfully and pinches your nipple through the thin cloth of your pyjamas.

You :"Eek! S-Stop it!"

You squirmed but Bel kept you in place easily with one hand since you are still weak. He pulled your nipple and you let out a moan.

Belphegor :"Ushishishi. Princess, does it feels good?"

You :"No! S-Stop! Don't touch-"

Bel grabbed your butt before you could finish the sentence and you gasped. You tried pushing his hand as they work to unbutton your pyjamas top but Bel distracted you by burying his face to your neck and sucking on it, slowly finding your sweetspot.

You :"Nghh! D-Dont...!"

He glides his tongue to your collarbone and suck hard on a spot, leaving a hickey.

He got your top off and fondle your breast directly. You moaned and rest a hand on his chest.

Belphegor :"Ushishishi, giving in already, Princess?"

You :"No! I- Ah!"

Your sentence was cut short by the moan slipping through your throat as Bel pressed and rub on your nipples. He then lean his head close to your chest and licked one of your nipple, resulting another moan from you.

You :"W-Wait, Bel, don't- Eek!"

You yelped when Bel moves his other hand right to your private spot and rub it with his fingers through your pyjamas short.

You :"W-Wait, not there!"

Bel :"Where?"

You :"D-Down there"

Bel :"Oh? Here?"

You gasped and grip his shirt tightly again as he suddenly slip his fingers to the side of your shorts and touches your sensetive part directly.

You :"N-No! Stop it!"

Bel :"But you are feeling good arent you?"

With that, he insert a single finger into your being, drawing another moan from you. You arch your back and squirm around in his grip as he curl his finger in you and then added another finger.

You :"Stop..."

He ignores you again and touches your clit with his thumb and continue to pump his fingers in you. You could hear the wet sound as he moves his fingers in and out of you and you couldn't stop moaning each time his fingers pump.

Awhile later, he pulled out his fingers and you panted, tired from moaning.

You leaned again his chest and he laid you down on the bed. You thought he was going to stop but nope.

He starts slipping away your pants and you panicked, trying to stop him. Of course your effort went in vain as he easily slipped the wet pants off of you.

He climbed on top of you and inbetween your legs and look down at you with that sexy smirk of his.

You glared at him half heartedly and tries to close your legs despite him being inbetween.

Bel :"Ushishishi, now now princess, why not stop resisting and enjoy it already? You know you are feeling good~ Look how wet you are~"

He showed you his fingers covered in your juices and you looked away, embarrassed.

Bel :"Princess, look at me"

You turn your head to glare at him again but the moment you turn your head, he had kissed you. He kissed you hard, taking your breath away. His hands grabbed your thighs and brought them up with you focussing entirely on the kiss. Finally, he stops the kiss so that you can breath and you panted and gasp for air.

He bring out his excited shaft from his pants and put it on your womanhood.

You :"No, stop it..."

Bel :"Do you really want me to stop~?"

He smirked and rub his thing on your heated core. You moaned but he only continues to rub on the outside, not entering. After a while, he stopped and pull away from you. You whimpered.

Bel :"What's wrong princess? Didn't you want me to stop~?"

You blushed and glare at him.

Bel smirks again, totally ignoring your glare and gently touch your cores opening. You let out a small mewl as he play with your swollen clit and reddened core.

Bel :"So what now princess? Do you want me to stop?"

You covered your face in embarrassment.

He knew he had won and so he once again position himself at your entrance. Then, with one hard thrust, he entered into your deepest spot.


You let out a cry of surprise and grip the bedsheet tightly. He moved, slow but steady and you could feel your inside stretching to fit his size. Soon, your were moaning and moving your hips with him.

He slowly picked up some speed and you cant stop moaning as he hit your womb again and again. Your eyes teared up, due to pleasure and you bit your lips, wanting to moan a little lesser. Bel noticed and he licked away your tears and kissed you again. You moaned into his mouth and he held your hands, which was gripping onto the bedsheet.

You also released your grasp from the bedsheet and hold his hands instead, intertwining your fingers with his.

As he reaches the maximum speed, he called out your name. You also called his name and suddenly, you felt his thing grew bigger inside of you. Immediately after that, you felt his semen filling your inside all the way into your womb and you climaxed with him.

You panted and look away from him, tired. He also panted, but not as hard as you and you can feel him slowly pulling out of you. After a while, you calmed down and buries your face on the pillow. Bel sat on the side of the bed and stood up after he cleaned himself up. He was about to walk away but your grab the hem of his shirt while still sulking on the pillow.

Bel :"Princess, let go now~ The prince needed to do something~"

You reluctantly let go and you can hear his footstep going away. Later, he came back.

Bel :"Ushishishi, princess, look at me~"

You ignore him but he touched your butt and you turned to glare at him. In that instant, he kissed you and fed you your medicine with his mouth. You can't help but glup it down and glare at him while blushing.

He pulled away and smirk. Then, he pushed you down onto the bed and lies beside you.

Bel :"You can rest now, my dear princess (y/n)~"

You pouted and turn the other side. But then you felt the warmth from your back. He had hugged you from the back and covered both of you with the blanket. Slowly, embraced by the warmth, you fell asleep...
Sorry for the loooooong time guys~ Maybe, just maybe, I will do a sequel for Bel, but for now, I present you guys this! ^_^

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