| Chapter 3 | What am i doing? |

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Hey guys i'm finished with the cover so now i will start writing chapter 3

Amelia's POV
I walked over to Daniel and Danika.
They were talking happily together.
As i was walking over to them i could hear them talking from a distant.

"Alright, you can have my ice cream." Daniel spoke

"(What is he talking about?)" i said to myself.

Danika looked flustered? Why?
Although flustered she took it and.....
Wait a minute
She took Daniel's ice cream....
But not mine.
I thought nothing of it as i continued walking.

"Hey guys!" I said smiling.

"Oh hey." Daniel responded.

"So what now?" I asked him, looking around.

"Yeah what should we do now?" He said, "the sun is going down" he said pointing to the sun.

Just like that we heard our mothers calling our names.
"Amelia!", "Daniel!", "Danika!"
I ran over to them, and they gestured me to come with them.

"Its time to go home." My mother spoke softly.

I followed her while holding her hand.
The park wasn't far from my home while Danika's was pretty far off.
While she took a different route with her mother she waved at me and Daniel.

"Bye Amelia! Bye Daniel!" She shouted over us.

I waved over at her too as well as Daniel. And after that we walked home with our mothers.
As i reached home i plopped on the couch as soon as possible, i was so tired and my legs were killing me.
I was thinking about Danika
I made a new friend?. Well i the more the merrier.
I hope Daniel's as happy as i am, i guess i need to sleep now.
I wonder what everyone is doing right now.
I'm hungry.
I'm tired

"AMELIA!!" My mother quietly shouted at me while clapping her hands in front of my face.

I was so into my thoughts that i didn't realized that i was about to drop the food my mother handed me.
When did she hand me this plate of food?
Was i day dreaming?
Wait why am i im the kitchen?, wasn't i on the couch in the living room?

"Were you daydreaming honey?" My mother asked me.

"I think?" I asked her placing my index finger on my chin.

"Come one dear, let's eat" she said, "you must be very hungry and exhausted after today".

"Yeah, lets eat." I said while eating.

Danika's POV
I was so happy and excited.
Daniel gave me ice cream, EEEEEEEKKKK.
I could feel my face heating up as i held my hands up to my face.
I had already reached to my house and i was eating with my parents and little sister.

"Nika, are you alright dear?" My father asked me. (Yes her nickname is Nika, don't judge me.)

"E-eh?" I said nervously, "what are you talking about?!?", i said waving my hands in front of my face while laughing nervously.

"Your face....." my sister spoke. "It's red...." she said while pointing to my face, squinting her eyes to take a better look as she was across the table from me.

"N-no i'm fine." I said. "Diana, mommy and daddy. Don't worry i'm alright." I said reassuringly.
(Yes Danika has a sister and yes her name is Diana and she is 2 years younger than Danika)

I continued eating quietly and quickly as i kept looking at my food. Afraid to look at my family.
I kept thinking about what Diana said.
My face was red and it was heating up?
Why was that and why did i feel that way. I never felt that before.
(She was kindergarten ok she doesn't know what that is yet)

After i was finish eating my dinner my mother brought me upstairs to take a bath
And afterwards i went to bed after a long day.
A long day at school and at the park with Daniel and Amelia.
I fell asleep quickly and slept peacefully.

Diana's POV
I was downstairs sneaking on mommy and daddy and they were talking about something.

"The kids are asleep right?" My mother asked my father.

"Yes, i put them to bed." My father said not realizing i was at the stairs listening to them

It felt pretty cool sneaking around and hiding as it felt like i was a ninja!
As they kept talking something caught my attention.

"Why is Danika acting so weird lately?"
"She never acted like this before....." my mother said worriedly.

"I don't know..." my father said, thinking.

"Does she have a crush?" My mother said as it seemed like she just remembered something.

I accidentally made the floor squeak as i tried to walk closer to hear them better.
My father turned my way but he hasn't seen me yet.
My instincts kicked in and i ran quickly but quietly to my room.
I don't think my mother saw me yet, as for my father......

I quickly ran to my bed that was next to my sisters and put the blankets over myself hoping that if my father came in the room my father would think i was asleep and that it was nothing.
I closed my eyes and started "snoring" hoping my father wouldn't notice.
I heard the door open and kept my eyes shut.
After a while i heard the door close and heard footsteps walk away.

I sighed in relief and went to sleep.

Daniel's POV
I was about to go to sleep but then i remembered something.
I felt my face heat up when i remembered how close she was to me when she wanted my ice cream.
What is this feeling inside of my chest?
I felt nervous when i was thinking of Danika.
Why did i feel this way.
Was it that i was so nervous i gave Danika my ice cream?

I didn't want to think about it anymore and i went into my bedroom with my mother.

"Goodnight honey" my mother said to me while kissing me on the forehead.

"Goodnight mommy" i said as she was tucking me in my bed.

I went to sleep quietly with a million questions in my head.
I hope that Amelia's okay.
She looked sad at the park earlier and i didn't have enough time to ask her about it.
I guess i was just too nervous.

What am i doing?

End of Chapter 3 | What am i doing? |

Hey guys!
i updated today again so i guess this is my final day to post
Hey like i said in the introduction i could only post for the 1st 3 days in a row so
Now you guys have to wait 5 days because tomorrow is monday in where i'm living
And since its a weekday i can't write or post so yeah
Bye guys
See you next time (ò_óˇ)

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