Author's Note

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Hi lovelies! Happy New Year! Wow, it's already 2019! 😂To give you guys a little treat to celebrate, I've written another story! Throughout this book there will be triggering content, so don't read if you are uncomfortable. Chapters that do have content such as suicide attempts or anxiety attacks will have  an * next to. If the content is not very triggering, but still makes people feel uncomfortable, I will put one *. If the content is mildly triggering, I will put two **. If the content is very triggering and can make people very upset, I will put three ***. So no warnings will be posted at the beginning of chapters, so if there are not any * then the chapter is clean. The main character of the story is Adalyn August, and she goes through a depression state throughout the book. I've decided to insert little quotes at the beginning of each chapter. I also inserted this amazing video in the beginning of this, so I think it would be great if you watched it! Let me know if you guys would like me to keep doing that with other future books if you enjoy reading them. That's basically everything, so I hope you enjoy reading!

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