Chapter 9

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Sade's POV
As soon as we finished our last dance. I was thinking of taking Normani out to eat, then take her somewhere where we can just sit and talk. But I'm nervous to ask her. But let me ask my girls first....

Sade: Diamond, Ryan?
Diamond: yeah?
Ryan: you alright?
Sade: Yeah. I want y'all opinion on something.
Diamond: ok, what's up?
Sade: Well, since the night is coming to an end, I really don't want the night to end with me and Normani. So I was thinking of asking her if I can take her somewhere to eat, then take her somewhere where we can just sit down and talk and just enjoy the weather or view.
Both: Awwww Sadeeeee
Sade: yeah. *smiles and blushes* but what you guys think? You think I should ask her?
Ryan: I mean why not? It's after 11 now. The night is still young. You want us to come with you?
Sade: No it's ok. I got it.
Ryan: ouuuu alright. Do your thing.
Sade: ok. Wish me luck.
Both: Good luck Babygirl...

I walked to where Normani was, and I told her....

Sade: Hey Normani
Normani: Hey beautiful. Did you enjoyed your prom?
Sade: Of course I did. You came and made my night magical.
Normani: *smiles and looks down*
Sade: *lifts up her chin up* your smile is pretty. Don't hide it.
Normani: are you flirting with me Ms. Sade?
Sade: Maybe.....
Normani: *giggles*
Sade: so I've been meaning to ask you something.
Normani: Sure?
Sade: ok um....So I was thinking Uh.... know, we can go somewhere and get something to eat, then we can sit somewhere and talk and chill. That's if you want to.
Normani: So What I'm hearing is, you want to take me out?
Sade: yeah I mean. So what do you think? *takes her right hand and massages her neck nervously*


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