Sade is excited to be in her senior year of high school. But what she's most excited about, is prom. All of her friends has dates to prom, except for her because she's been bullied about her appearance. One of her friends was thinking that she shoul...
Sade's POV I turned around and we started looking at each other. What should I do? Just as I was about to break eye contact and walk to the elevator, she took my hand and lead me into a hug. I hugged back, and when we broke the hug, I kissed her cheek, rubbed her chin and I told her....
Sade: I'll see you soon. Normani: ok. Later Sade. Sade: Later Normani.
I gave her one last look, give her a smile until she smiles back then I left. I went to the elevator and I pressed the button to go down and while I'm waiting, I heard footsteps running down the hall and I saw that it was Normani. She ran from her room to me barefoot and she pulled me into a passionate kiss.
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Once the elevator opened she pushed me in the elevator and she told me.....
Normani: I'll see you soon. *Winks at me*
Then next thing you know the elevator closed. Wow. That kiss I can't wait til we have our date. As I reached to the lobby, I went to the limo, went in and the driver pulled off. I texted the girls to tell them that I was going home, and to call the driver when they're ready to come home. They replied saying "ok" and "get home soon." I'm glad I had a great night with my sisters, my bros and my beautiful date. This was definitely a magical night for me.