Tom Won!

365 20 3

Tom Pov:

I won!

I made it all right!

I get into my car.

I scream and cry with happiness.

"I WON I WON I WON!!!" I scream and more happy tears slide down my face.

Thank Jehovah my goggles are waterproof.

You're finally free Tord!

I can't wait to get home!

I start my car, but before I could drive away Arther hits my window and motions for me to open my window.

I show him the middle finger.

I drive away.

Tord Pov:

I lay on the couch.

I hope Tom is okay..

The front door bursts open and it slams against the wall loudly.

I jump up and I see Tom at the door.

"I WON TORD!!!" Tom scream.

My eyes widen.

Tom runs over to me and jumps on me. I fall back on to the couch.

It takes my brain a minute to realize what he means...

"I'm free?" I ask.

"YES YES YES!!" Tom screams.

Tears fill my eyes.

I'm finally free!

I hug Tom tightly and happy tears roll down my face.

"I finally won!" Tom says.

He nuzzles the crook of my neck.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for me Tom," I say.

"I don't need a thank you Tord. You deserve this. You always deserved freedom and now you have it." Tom says.

Tom lifts his head and looks at me.

I can see pure happiness in his digital eyes.

He caresses my scared cheek.

He kisses me gently.

I kiss back.

This is amazing.

*Night Time*

I'm staying up late while everyone else sleeps.

I'm not tired yet.

I watch TV.

"The Red Army has finally been defeated and now our world slowly starts to build up it's independence. While Britain searches for someone with royal blood to take control over it, America is having it's first election after 12 years of fighting against communism!" the news says.

Welp, 12 years of hard work is officially gone from this planet.

"On other news, the leader of The Red Army AKA Red Leader has been proven NOT GUILTY and still lives on. Many people are upset with the court's decisions. Most people blame the man that saved Red Leader's life AKA Thomas Thompson,"

idiotiske mennesker.

The house phone rings.

Who the hell would be calling at this hour?

I get up and walk over to the phone.

My hand hovers over the phone.

Should I answer this?

It could be dangerous..

Screw it, let's do this.

I pick up the phone and I put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I say.

"Red Leader, we need to speak with you," I hear a somewhat familiar voice say.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not taking the chance of being killed by a gang. Goodbye," I say.

I almost hang up until I hear, "Tord, this is Paul. We need you,"

I quickly bring the phone to my ear.

"Paul?! I thought you died when the base got destroyed!" I say.

"Me and a few soldiers survived the explosions. Now it's urgent that we meet you,"

"Okay okay. Where are we meeting?"

"We're actually outside your house right now,"

I jump when hear a loud beep.

"I'll be right out," I say and hang up.

I grab my hoodie from the couch and I slide it on.

I write a quick note and I put it on the coffee table.

I run out the door.

I see a red car parked on the side of the street.

I run up to it.

The window opens and I see a face I've missed for a while.


"Please get in the car Red Leader," Paul says.

I nod and I open the passenger seat door.

I sit next to Paul.

The car stays in park.

"Red Leader, we want to attempt to restore The Red Army with you as our leader again," Paul says.

"What?! No way!" I say.


"I'm happy the way I am now. I don't need a army. Besides I just got freedom and I don't want to lose it again if we fail,"

"Trust me Sir, we won't fail,"

"You don't know that Paul,"

"Anyway. Sir we want to restore The Red Army, but make some changes to it,"

"What kind of changes?"

"We're going to keep it hidden until we find enough people to join and hide our base underground. We'll also be using spies and stealth more often. Basically we're going to be avoiding causing too much attention,"

"How can you take over anything if you're hiding all the time?"

"We'll figure that out once we make a base and begin finding people to join us,"

"Well you have fun with that. I'm not coming back to the army,"

I put my hand on the door handle to open it, but Paul locks the door.

"Paul," I say.

"We'll do ANYTHING to get you to lead us. Just name it and we'll do it Sir," Paul says.

"Paul I don't want to do it,"

"How about we keep you leading us a secret?" Paul is starting to sound desperate.

"A secret?"

"If anyone finds out we've been restored then we can just say I'm leading,"

Part of me doesn't want anything to do with the army.

The other part of me is begging me to accept.

"Please, we need you Red Leader," Paul says.

I choose to...


Muhahahha a cliffhanger!!

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