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Tord Pov:



"Tom listen-"


Okay I've had enough!

I pin Tom to the wall, but he kicks my stomach and I back up holding my stomach.

"No," Tom says and walks away.

"SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN THIS STRONG?!" I yell at him as he continues walking away.

I hold my stomach in pain.

I take a minute before standing up straight.

I look down the hall to see there's no Tom in sight.


Tom Pov:

That Commie thinks he can talk to me after annoying the shit out of me.

Like I'd let that happen.

I got the perfect prank to pull on him.

I sneak into the Tord's office and go on my holo-pad.

I press a song.

The 1 song that makes Tord tick.

Sunshine Lollipops and Rainbows.

I put it on full blast so who ever walks in will get a headache even if they do like the song.

I quickly run out of his office.

Tord Pov:

I've spent 20 minutes searching for Tom!

He's impossible to find!

Maybe I'll just take a break in my office.

I walk up to my office door and open it.

The worst song in the world digs deep into my ears.

I start screaming.

Tom Pov:

I can hear the Commie's scream from across base.

I laugh hysterically while soldiers start running past me to 'save' Tord.

I fall on the ground laughing until I hear, "Thomas."

I look up and see Pat glaring down at me.

"Oh um- hey Pat," I say and smile nervously.

"I want you to apologize to Tord,"

"For what?"

"For what ever is making him scream bloody murder just down the hall,"

"That wasn't me though-"

"Bullcrap Tom, now get up and we're going to see Tor-"


I quickly get up and run down the hall.

"THOMAS GET YOUR ASS BACK OVER HERE!!!" Pat yells and runs after me.

I run down the halls.

I know this place like the back of my hand.

Buuuut Pat knows it just as well as I do.

I turn a corner and jump into a trash can and hide.

I hear foot steps run past me.


A soldier drops a banana peel on my head.

"Ew," I say and throw the banana peel on to the hallway floor.

I get out of the trash can and dust myself off of garbage.

I leave a mess on the floor, but I don't care.

I run, but slip on the banana peel and fall right on my ass.

I groan.

I look up and see Pat looking down at me.


Tord Pov:

I'm glad Paul got TOM's holo-pad out of my room.

That song scares the shit out of me.

I sit on my desk chair and hold my head.

I still have a headache from hearing that horrible song before.

The door bursts open and I see Patrick dragging Tom by the ear into my office.

"PAT STOP IT!! IT HURTS!! OW OW OW OW!!" Tom yells at Patrick.

Patrick lets go of Tom's ear and Tom falls on his back on the ground.

Tom groans and turns his head back to see me.

"Oh uh- hey Tord," Tom says and tries his best to give a innocent smile, but I can see the nervousness in it.

"Tom," I say.

"Lovely day isn't it," Tom says.


"I heard it's going to be sunny all this week-"


"Yes Tord?"

"Were you the 1 that played that song in my office just 20 minutes ago?"



"Okay okay! Fine I did it,"

Tom crosses his arms while still laying on the floor and staring at me.

"Tom just stand up," I say and massage my temples.

"Oh yeahhhhh," Tom says.

Tom stands up then says, "I forgot about that."

"Tom you need to be punished for that you know," I say.

"What? You gonna tie me up and blast Christmas music into my ears-"

"Perfect! Thank you Tom for the idea,"


*Just 30 Minutes Later*

Tom screams bloody murder and struggles in the ropes as earbuds that I taped into his ears blast Christmas music.


"Nope, you still have 20 more minutes left of punishment," I say.


"This will just teach you not to mess with me,"


*20 Minutes Later*

A timer goes off.

"Okay Patrick you can untie him and stop the music," I say to Patrick.

"Yes Sir," Patrick says.

Patrick runs over to Tom that continues to scream bloody murder.

Patrick takes the earbuds out of his ears.

Tom stops screaming and pants heavily.

Patrick unties Tom and Tom falls on to the floor.

I walk up to Tom.

Tom looks up at me weakly and says,"Y-you're a monster y-you Commie."

Tom passes out.

I sigh.

"Should I take him to his room Sir?" Patrick asks me.

"I got it," I say.

I pick Tom up like a toddler and walk out of the sound proof room.

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