Why The Bloody Hell Not?

285 14 24

(TomEdd Warning)

Edd Pov:

Tears fill my eyes when I see Tom.

Happy tears of course.

"TOM!" I say and hug him.

We weren't able to make the same party like before and I don't think Tom would want that since we kidnapped him when he was 'Happy'.

I get nervous when Tom doesn't hug back.

But he eventually smiles and hugs me.

Tom Pov:

I couldn't resist hugging Edd.

The familiar smell of cola on him won't let me stay away.

That sounded flirty.

I didn't mean it that way!

All I'm saying is I missed his smell is all.

Okay that sounds kinky.


I didn't realize I was nuzzling my face into his neck until I snapped out of my thoughts.

I pull away quickly and smile nervously.

"Hey Edd!" I say trying to sound normal even though I was WAY TOO CLOSE TO EDD.

I'm taken!

I see Edd has a huge blush on his face and his eyes are wide.

"Edd?" I ask.

Edd Pov:

Did Tom just..

Nuzzle me?


"Edd you good?" Tom asks me and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Ah yes- Tom- um- yeah!" I say.

Tom giggles.

My heart flutters from his giggle.

I've never heard it in person!

"Oh Tim's back!" Matt says like he wasn't standing right next to us the whole time.

"Oh hey Matt. Didn't see you there," Tom says with a smirk.

Matt looks a little hurt.


"It was never noticeable Matt," Tom says.

"What?" Matt says in a hurt voice and starts to cry.

"I'm sorry Matt I didn't mean for you to cry!" Tom says.

"Matt's less confident about his face," I whisper to Tom.

"Oh..." Tom says.

I sigh.

We've all changed A LOT.

I'm sure that can change though.

Just need some time and effort is all.

Having goals is never a bad thing.


Tom Pov:

I feel guilt rush over me.

I never thought Matt could have low self-esteem..

I realize now that I'm a dick.

Jeez took me long enough!

"Let's all watch a movie," Edd recommends.

I scratch the back of my head.

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