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Thilo is looking at me and him in surprise and I'm just standing here as shook as he is.

"Nah I'm joking. But yes she is my friend." Kylian finally speaks again and I sigh in relief. "Treat her with respect Thilo." He warns before turning around and joining again his group of teammates who are looking at us in curiosity.

The boy looks at me. "I'm sorry." He stops. "About everything. I know it's not an excuse but I'm having such a tough morning thanks to my injury." He finishes honest.

"It's okay I guess you thought I was some crazy random stalker. Guess you guys are not used to normal people." I say dryly leaving the training camp and Thilo behind.

I walk towards the cafe again but this time I'm just going to sit on a table so I don't get in trouble again.

✾ ✾ ✾

I feel someone taking a seat in front of me so I get my eyes out of the magazines I'm reading just to see Kylian's smile. "What are you reading?" He asks.

"Kylian Mbappe c'est chaud avec sa blonde á Ibiza" I read the magazine article out loud and his smile fades.

"Give me that." He says trying to take the paper out of my hands while I burst to laugh.

"So you're into blondes huh?" I laugh again.

"So am I that interesting for you that you're already doing your own research?" He smiles again.

"You wish Donatello, you do." I keep laughing. "Now take me home please," I beg.

"Let's go." He starts walking and I follow him.

"Kylian." I hear someone scream as we walk through the hallway in silence, I turn around a see a tan boy with green hazel eyes. He walks to us and I hide behind Mbappe. "Hey, who's that?" He asks trying to see me.

"A friend." He simply says. "What is it?"

"I'm going to have dinner with Bruna tonight, we are trying to make things work you know." He explains. "I need you to watch Davi." He pleads.

"Don't you have a babysitter?" Mbappe replies.

"She is busy, I'll pay you." He insists and I get off Kylian's back.

"I can do it," I say, I need the money I lost last night. He looks at me impressed. "I'm sorry to let me introduce myself, my name is America and I love kids." I express.

"Do I know you?"

"Yes, actually I served you last night," I inform.

"Oh yes." He looks at Kylian like waiting for an explanation.

"You can trust her." He finally speaks out. "I can go with her but you give her the money." He continues.

"Like you're going to babysit her while she babysits my son?" He asks confused.

"No." Kylian stops. "Well yeah, something like that." He finishes.

"Fine." The green-eyed finally agrees. "Australia I need you at my home by 5 pm" He clarifies, I hear Kylian's laugh and I hit with the arm.

"Auch." He sighs.

"Okay sure, thank you so much..."

"Neymar." He smiles and I nod. "Well, I gotta go, see you two later." He greets and leaves.

When he is finally out of our sight Mbappe erupts laughing and I just give him a mean look. "He called you Australia!" He yells and keeps laughing holding his stomach.

falling apart. | kylian mbappeWhere stories live. Discover now