Chapter 17

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Carl's niece and nephews were his pride and joy this was public knowledge. If the man found out Zero had slept with his nephew, no real commitment involved he'd have his hide. Bottom line he'd cut him out of his life again and that was the last place the athlete wanted to be back at ever again.

Zero ran a nervous hand through his blonde hair unable to forget he had forgotten to take his desires and stay away from Jude for precisely that reason. Resigned he headed to the front door.

Carl appeared scruffier than usual and more tired than Zero remembered him to be back in the city. Added to that this visit wasn't planned so he grew concerned, though he knew not to show it. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked taking the man's dark coat with thick and rich material.

"Can't a man visit his nephew without twenty one questions from you?"

He narrowed his gaze. Was it his imagination or did Carl seem crankier than usual? "It was just one question." He chuckled placing a hand on the man's back and directed him to the living area "So what gives?"

Carl settled himself on the couch and motioned for Gideon to do the same. Then he leaned close, elbows resting on widely parted knees. "If I tell you can't tell my boy Jude."

So something was wrong. His stomach cramped but he forced a casual shrug "You have my word."

Carl cracked his knuckles as he admitted "The doctor says my eyesight is going."

Forget his stomach, now his head began pounding too as Carl added "As in I won't be able see a damn thing and soon." He snapped his fingers, settling back to lean on his seat, arms now resting on the couch's armrests.

Zero had been in a similar position when he'd shattered his knee so he knew better than to offer pity or condolences. He also felt happy the man opened up to him which he saw as a sign that they were going good just like the old days.

But if Carl found out about his night with Jude.

He swallowed hard and focused on not pitying Carl. "Dare I ask you how you plan to keep this secret once you start walking into walls?"

Carl let out a gruff laugh "I still have time to think, macular degeneration doesn't progress too quickly. In the meantime I just had to get away from Linda before she drove me to gauge my own eyes out."

"She knows?" Zero smiled with interest.

Carl ran a hand over his scruffy groomed beard "She knew before I did, says she sensed something was off with me and forced me to the doctor's." he took a second to scoff. "She started reading on the literature and now she buys everything she comes across because 'just in case'."

"Such as?" Zero asked settling in his seat too, feet naturally parted wide.

Carl pressed on his wristwatch "it's 11:15am" an automated female digital voice announced.

Zero stifled a laugh.

Carl lifted a finger and said "that's not all." Then he pressed a button on his shirt's cufflinks and his phone started to ring with LED lights.

"Whoa." Zero exclaimed with amusement.

Carl lifted his brows as if to say, you see it too! "She's made all kinds of changes so I could get used to things before my sight goes off," Carl said, with a poor imitation of his assistant.

Zero inclined in his seat and tried not to grin "I take it you think she's overreacting?"

"Is she female?" Carl asked wryly "You wouldn't believe what she's been up to."

"I can only imagine."

"Imagine what?" Jude asked joining them in the area and Zero tried not to glance up in case his gaze spoke too loudly with yearning and desire.

"Your uncle was just explaining his newest challenge."

Uncle Carl nodded "Its Linda. She's gone over the edge."

"How so?" Jude sat beside his uncle, the love and respect for his uncle beaming in his eyes the athlete noticed. He thought Jude would want to know his uncle's condition but it wasn't his place to tell nor would he break a promise, especially one made to family. Still the warmth in his eyes had him wishing for things he'd never have. Things like unconditional love and acceptance.

"Damn woman's become loose. Looking up to those famous housewives for what to wear." His cheeks flamed "Linda of all people?"

Jude's eyes widened "And this bothers you why?"

Gideon could see Jude struggle not to let loose with laughter.

"Carl can handle anything life throws at him," Gideon said with a duality to appease and not hurt both parties.

"Oh, Uncle Carl can handle anything except a determined woman in Fendi prints." Jude laughed picking up his phone "I have to text this in the family group chat."

The athlete straightened his shoulders "Carl knows better than to let anyone lead him around like a dog on a leash."

Jude mouthed teacher's pet at the athlete just as his uncle clapped his hands and pointed happily at Zero "Damn straight! which is why I'm staying here while Jude is working here. Get away from the floozy for a little while."

"You're staying!" Jude asked just as surprised as Zero "Here?"

Carl Morgan nodded "Yes, now where's your staff? I need a cold beer in a tall chilled glass."

A/N1: Don't forget to comment, vote and add the book to your library so you don't miss out on updates.

A/N2: Did you know that I have other bxb/mxm book on here? Yea great news I know...check them out. Love you.

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