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There was nothing tender about the kiss he lay on Jude. It was full, ravenous, rushed and so full of passion neither of them had ever felt with anyone else. For as much as Gideon wanted to make love to Jude especially after his royal fuck up, his body rocked with electrified desire and an intense need to fuck Jude out of his mind.

Like really tap that.


A delicious warmth pooled in the pit of his stomach as Gideon assaulted his mouth with his lips. They both groaned, their warm chests together pressed hard and desperate. Gideon pulled back breathing deeply from lustful desire as he undressed the man he loved bare.

After he was done he moved on to undress himself with shaky hands. He needed Jude's body on him completely, quickly and he needed it now. So he shoved off his dress pants and boxers in one craft motion then gently grabbed Jude's hands that were unbuttoning his shirt guiding the soft trembling hands around his neck.

The athlete groaned when he mounted onto his lover and felt their slick dicks touch.

Bliss evaded Gideon's ears that rang with a satisfying static sound. "Mhm," he breathed a warm "You feel so good" into Jude's ear, regardless of the fact that he wasn't even inside Jude yet. But fuck! Jude felt so good; his cock throbbed powerfully. Cum seeping out the slit after his thoughts and skin on skin action.

Jude shivered in his arms as his hand travelled down Gideon's taunt, V defined pecks traveling down to his warm seeping dick. Oh my my how Gideon would have loved to feel Jude's hand on his dick, but at that time in that short space, he was absolutely consumed with the need to possess Jude's body.

Take him.

Ravage him right then and there.

From the inside.

He powerfully grabbed Jude's hands and pinned them on the wall with one hand his other hand hiking Jude's leg to wrap around his naked waist as he littered hard nibbles on the publicist's soft neck. Jude's head swayed left and right overwhelmed by all the glorious sensations Gideon was littering on him. As for Gideon; between Jude's quiet moans, edible citrusy scent, and deliberate hip movements that teased Gideon's cock endlessly.  Leaving his nerves raw with needy heat and thick tension. The athlete was a goner.

Without contemplating on it he swept Jude off his feet by his fine detectable ass and led him to lie down the carpeted floor, gyrating his hips around his lover's tight ass. He leaned down to fuck the publicist's lips with his mouth; the feel of Jude's slick dick on his stomach, aided by the feel of heat from his lover's ass killed him with painful need.

He needed to fuck and he needed to fuck now each thrust of his tongue in Jude's mouth mimicked what he intended to do with his hard as steel cock. Gideon's heart thumped hard against his chest, affection and desire moulding into one."Jude babe marry me?" he asked and he meant it from the bottom of his heart, inside and out.

Jude's lips opened, his hooded eyes closing all the way as he reached for one more hot and slippery kiss before he replied "You're gonna fuck me or not?" he dug his nails into Zero's back thrusting his hips upwards in a way that nestled Zero's hard muscle in a cocoon of his bare ass. "Sometime today?" he said with a rasp in his desire filled voice.

Zero was weak and obliterated by affection and desire towards Jude so he had no choice. He obliged sliding his warm tongue inside Jude's eager and sensual mouth. Filling, revelling and savouring each seductive second that made this moment perfect. Jude's hand cupped Zero's cheeks, then it travelled all over until his fingertips ran through Zero's blond traces and tugged on his scalp.

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