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Zero didn't know what Jude had planned but his adrenaline was pumping big time anyway. He'd returned home, showered and was now heading for the lodge. He walked out of his bedroom and found Carl waiting for him suitcase next on the couch he sat in.

"You're leaving?" he asked, surprised.

Carl nodded "I'm not getting any work done here and I can't avoid Linda forever."

Zero chuckled "If you want to try you're welcome here."

Carl's expression softened "You're a good man and I've missed you," he said taking him in for a hug by surprise.

"I missed you too Pops," Gideon said after a minute or so and stepped back. He eyed Carl carefully wondering how far to push "You should really go back to Linda make things right."

Carl gave a defeated sigh and said 'When you've been single too long you get so set in your ways."

The athlete snorted "Oh please you've been so dead set in your ways since the day you were born, Linda knows and she loves you like that anyway."

Carl laughed with him then became all serious "You deserve someone like that too and you have been carrying out a different vibe. New man in your life?"

Gideon crossed his strong arms against his chest "Nah, just been happy to have you around" he said, feeling somewhat guilty for kind of lying to Carl, he was happy to have him but he was happier to have Jude more and besides what could he say to the overprotective uncle 'I'm sleeping with your nephew?'

He shook the uneasiness away and stretched a fist for Carl to bump "And also the lodge, gotta go now."

They had met up at the lodge and if it wasn't for Gideon being in complete desire over Jude's body, face, skin, smile, personality, eyes fuck this! Jude's whole being then he would have had more time to focus or at least spare a second to appreciate the view of the night landscape they had at the rooftop.

Instead, the athlete was finessing his play skills stealing glances in between steady flirty gazes at the publicist wondering if he could feel the electricity that was travelling between them too.

At first, when they were sitting opposite off each other Zero's skin would tingle with a longing need to feel Jude's hands swiping over his skin and whenever Jude's somewhat loose shirt would slip a little revealing skin the player would wonder how that skin would taste like under his tongue.

Which was rather insane and sprung of him to think that when he'd been having some of that.

By the time they left the rooftop after Jude's steak was done cooking, Gideon's imagination had already led him over to the edge where his primal urges were lying.

They made eye contact and it seemed to speak with words of agreement and that was the time Gideon reached for Jude's waist and pulled him up for a kiss.

It was their best one yet, slippery with a sexy need that was as tilitating and savage as much as it was beautifully mind numbing. It was fiercely electrified and it sent a buzz of arousal to travel through Zero's veins. He pulled Jude to sit in his lap, held him in place by his backside with both hands. Then he went to work humping their hard rock cocks together through the layers of was too much clothing.

Within seconds their clothes were disposed off one after the other on the floor. Their hearts racing at speeds faster than that famous racer BellamineBeaufort's lap.

Jude sat naked in Zero's bare lap, his hand on Zero's cock, in an up and down motion. Whilst Zero's index and forefingers were knuckles deep in exploring Jude yet he needed more. This wasn't enough for him.

𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐋: 𝐙𝐞𝐫𝐨 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now