Curiouser And Curiouser

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     5 hours.

    5 whole hours of constantly looking behind his back, jumping at the faintest noises, and relying on his paranoid-fueled senses exhausted Thomas to the core. For a short while, he distracted himself with getting the door back in its place the best he could. But even during that little task, he didn't dare make much noise.

5:40 am

     The glowing numbers from his computer brought good news with each minute that passed: a little less time in here.

     In the eerie quiet, his eyes wandered to the walls of the office. Childish scribbles of the pizzeria's characters were hung scattered. Yellowed paper drooped, while newer artwork hung like promotional posters.

     A swirl of colorful markers depicted a kid standing next to a smiling man with exaggerated rosy cheeks, round glasses, and a grey bow. A heart was etched in the space between child and robot.

"That's kinda cute?"

     There was one of Creativity, with its name sprawled above the crayoned persona.

     The absent figurine was in one drawing. This one, probably drawn by an older kid, showed Candy in neat line-art, nicely decorated in stripes and buttons. A name written in cursive was scrunched at the bottom right.


     Whoever Talyn was, they were a pretty good artist.

6:00 am

     A chime rang from his computer, some tune similar to wedding bells.
Now he'd have to venture outside the safe room to clock out. The computer screen went black; an automatic restarting of the security cams didn't allow him to see if everyone was in their places.

     Freakin fantastic.

     Gathering whatever was left of his guts, Thomas slowly got up and crept past the door. The main room up ahead bathed in faint morning sunlight, outlining table shapes and the tops of chairs. He strolled in and flipped the light switch on.

     A blur of white and purple leaped in front of him and released an inhumane screech, twitching violently in place.

     The guard leapt back and screamed an octave higher.

     Monstrous noises crackled and distorted, downgrading into laughter.
"Priceless!" A violet-haired animatronic clapped its hands weakly, drained from amusement. "Loved the look on your face."

     Thomas heaved his chest up and down rapidly, deer in the headlights. The robot wiped an imaginary tear from its missing eye.

"Oh man, I haven't been able to do that in since last week." It spurted out in lighthearted chuckles again. "If I had a camera installed in me, I'd hang my favorite reaction pics in my room."

Mischievous glints of eyes matched the permanent smile. "See ya in your nightmares."

     And just like that it slunk off. The guard made a mental note to watch out for this persona tonight.

...and the rest of the 6 nights.

Oh jeez.


    Night 2, 10:31 pm

The last of late night customers finally walked out the door. Day shift employees were wrapping up their cleaning duties.

At the storage closet, a co-worker carelessly threw in an old mop. It collided with boxes on shelves, some which toppled over. Too lazy to care, the woman shrugged and slammed the door shut. She dug through her pockets, half-disappointed to find no keys. But it didn't matter, no one robbed cleaning supplies. So the employee walked off, leaving the mess for tomorrow's day crew.

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