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"And I know how to stop it."

     If Candy could move it's face, he imagined it's eyes widening. The puppet shook its head violently, waving its hands in a negatory motion.

"No! No nononnono! You can't stop anything! Just—"

"I can help." His voice softened. "I know who the killer is."

     Terror shone through its stock-silent mask.

"Don't." Candy's tone shifted and wavered, more out of fear than a command. "Don't think about him. Don't go near him. He'll kill you, too. I won't let you. Won't let you!"

     His companion blocked the door. Although it was shorter than where the doorknob was, it's limbs spread out, determined to act as a physical barrier. A second remote came into Thomas' possession.

"Then it's a good thing I have this."

"Wait, what—"

    His thumb slid over a bright red button. At the push, Candy's body went limp.



    He winced as the figure collapsed on the ground. A heavy weight in his chest flourished. Where bright eyes resided seconds ago, an empty void claimed its home. Metal framework stood out to the touch under Candy's rough fabric suit, they jostled like loose puzzle pieces when Thomas scooped up its lifeless figure.

Slowly, gently, he lowered the puppet into the music box.

"I'm sorry, buddy."

The lid hesitated to close. His eyes shut tight, fighting off waterworks that threatened to break lose. After an eternity, he sealed off its body from sight. It would be hidden inside the beloved box until he decided things were taken care of.

"I'll bring you back soon."

12:40 am

"Hi, Morality!"

No, too enthusiastic. Thomas cleared his throat and approached the lonely animatronic with a controlled, calm demeanor.

"Hey. Mind if we chat a bit?"

Gears swirled against each other, filling the arcade room with a trickle of sound as the mentioned being turned around.

"Kiddo! Nice seeing you again! Hey, wanna try out the new race game?"

"That's nice, but no thank you. I'd actually like to, um, discuss something." His brain racked up an excuse to convince the AI of a needed one-on-one conversation. "Cuz, my nephew is having his birthday party here next week and—"

He could've sworn that metal smile grew wider. The animatronic bounced in place and clapped its hands.

"That's wonderful! What's his name? Does he like pepperoni pizza? Astronomy? Magic tricks?"

Thomas unsuccessfully held back the reflex to change facial expressions at the last question. He bit the corner of his tongue.

"Um, yeah. Hasn't been here before, but he's heard about you...I kinda wanna plan a surprise for him. Do you mind if we talk it out, like, in the staff room?"

Morality nodded, "So it's like a secret conversation? Like business partners?"

"Yeaah. Exactly."

His smile quivered. Lying wasn't a skill he'd sharpened over the years, but now he poured every acting lesson into it. The desired outcome of his plan relied on smooth deceit. On their way to the room, Morality bombarded him with more questions. The inquisitive fella wanted to know the likes and dislikes of this nonexistent relative, Tyler.

Sander sides FNAF AU Where stories live. Discover now