Butterfly Effect

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(minor language warning again...the chapters from here on out will also be getting darksome)


Night 4, 7:00 pm

"Think of it like dominoes. You have your initial event, represented by a small knock-over toy. At the push, it collides with ones its size, but as you go down the line, the dominoes get taller, bigger, grander. In the end, one tiny little thing effected our timeline on a larger scale."

     Logan peered down at his one-child audience. A girl in pigtails nodded at him as if she now understood the secrets of the universe.

"I didn't expect someone your age to be interested in chaos theory. Much less, scientific phenomenas."

She shrugged, "Daddy likes to talk science a lot. I think it's fun to think about—and learn!"

His mechanical heart glowed with pride. What a sweetheart. "So tell me, Elizabeth, what else is interest of your knowledge?"

"What?" Her British accent came through as a 'wha', but he knew the word she was trying to say.

"Is there anything else you'd like to know about?"

Elizabeth rubbed an imaginary beard, pondering. She held up a stuffed rabbit. "This. Can he die?"

Logan raised an eyebrow. Clearly, someone had yet to be taught the concept of death. "No, that is an inanimate object. It had no life to begin with, therefore none to end."

"Bon-Bon is a 'he', not 'it'." She lightly scolded.

The animatronic considered telling her the difference between what was properly appointed with which pronouns, but held back. Patton once lectured him on letting children expand their imagination, and not label their ideas and games as 'ridiculous'.

"Apologies, little one."

Elizabeth frowned. She stood on tipy-toes, puffed up her chest, and said in the deepest voice a 7-year old could muster.

"I am not little. Me bigger than enemies."

For whatever peculiar reason, this brought amusement to the robot. It was one of those things where an unexpected moment infected you with giggles. It felt good to experience a higher range of joy. Then the clamp of pain came. A long time ago, he described it as a one-second headache. Now it was more accurately portrayed as a spear going through his brain.

"Ouh. Ouch!"

His companion lowered her tough act. She stepped closer to the animatronic, hugging Bon-Bon until its plush figure flattened against her stomach. An abundance of liquid coated her dismal eyes. "Can you die?"

Logan blinked.

"Oh, um, no. I can't." She had no idea how literal this statement was.

The girl held out her toy. "Daddy says hugging makes you feel better. Wanna hug him?"

"Thank you, but I'm afraid that won't provide comfort or feeling of any kind."

Elizabeth tilted her head. "But you're hurt. I heard you."

"Yes, every mascot simply mimics emotions. It makes us appealing to human interactions."


     He sighed. Not every child shared his place in vocabulary. Time for another simplified explanation. Logan bent down to the girl's level.

"Do you ever play make-believe? Pretend to be one way when you are really the other?" At her nod, he continued. "It's like that with us. We pretend to feel."

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