Semi-Formal Discussions

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Night 3, 9:45 pm

A plan was set in motion. For his theory to be tested out, he sacrificed sleeping time to come to Fun Family's Pizzeria early. The dining room appeared to be perfect place to start.

Creativity posed on a corner stage, farthest to the left. A crowd of young kids were huddled around it, most gazing at the robot with awed faces. A hand painted sign hung above the stage, which read 'Story Time.' The animatronic's movements turned swift and exaggerated as it presumably spoke about fantasies and tall tales. Thomas couldn't hear much over the restaurant's commotion.

The center stage was shaped in a half-moon. Morality sat at the edge, coloring book in metal hand, and handed out boxes of cheap crayons to another group of children. A poster on the wall near it showed a heart with cartoon, round glasses.

Logic stood at the far right, less kids were surrounding it. Based on the other poster presenting a simple brain design with rectangular glasses, he assumed it was listing off nerdy facts to equally nerdy people.

"Where's the purple guy?" He mumbled to himself.

A wooden sign dangling from one hallway displayed a violet thundercloud with a golden bolt of lightning. Beneath it, bolded numbers said 'Room 19'.

Off to there, then. In a quick walk, Thomas arrived at the fourth robot's room. A low voice and hunched figure had its faire share of an older crowd, pre-teens and such. It owned the curtained stage, engulfing its audience in a story.

"...but did he check the door? And the windows?" It leaned in, giving its smile a maniac touch. "Oh no. Someone...or something rattled the doorknob with so much force, it fell off...and the door creaked open. A pair of red eyes stood out from the night."

A few of the younger kiddos squirmed in their spots. The animatronic dropped its tone to a gravely hush.

"But it disappeared instantly. And the man felt a prickle on the back of his neck, the sensation of rising hairs, the feeling that he wasn't alone. He turned around and saw the wall infested with cracks that weren't there before. They spread out like roots...then everything crumbled. Cold seeped in as the hole in his house brought wind...and something lurched at him."

The last syllable barely passed its mouth when it's face split down the middle. Two face plates swung open to reveal an endoskeleton, metal and wire twisted together to form human-like facial features.

An all-too-familiar screech startled him, bringing his mind's eye back to their fist introduction.

Half of the crowd had the same reaction as him, some joined in with screams of their own. The others jumped back and grinned like madmen, thrilled from the scary story. Two teenagers had no change in their expression.

The metal pieces snapped back together, giving back a normal appearance to the robot. "But the real horror is that his insurance didn't cover the damage, so he was in debt forever. The end."

It waved to the group.

"It's been a good run, but closing time's upon us. See ya in your nightmares."

A chorus of good-byes and individual catchphrases followed the group as they went out the door. Thomas stepped aside and made eye contact with the animatronic.

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