Gin stood in front of the giant doors with a huge logo of the 1st Division that led to the captain's assembly hall, and opened them to be greeted by the Captain-Commander - Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, along with the rest of the captains standing in their positions awaiting for the last captain's arrival. "You've come." he said in his gravelly voice. "Captain of the 3rd Division, Ichimaru Gin." Yamamoto was an old man who had red eyes, very long white beard and long eyebrows. He had two prominent long, perpendicular scars above his right eye. He wore the standard Shihakushou, and unlike the rest of the captains, he draped his white haori over his back.
"What's all this?" asked the said man, grinning as he entered the hall. "I suddenly get called in and come to find such a big ol' hoot'nanny. The captains who run Soul Society all gathered here just for lil' old me? I guess not." He looked around until he noticed the empty spot of a captain who was supposed to present. "I don't see the 13th Captain. Did something happen?"
"He's on sick leave." replied Tousen, Captain of the 9th Division who had dark skin and dark brown braids. He had pupil-less eyes that were pale lavender, indicating that he had been blind since birth. He wore the traditional Shinigami uniform with the sleeves rolled up to his shoulders and his captain's haori over it, but his uniform was tied with a purple obi sash. He also wore an orange scarf around his neck, white boots instead of the normal sandals, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. He was wearing a pair of clear goggles, and kept his hair tied back in a ponytail with a few strands hanging in front of his face.
Gin looked at him with surprise. "Again?" he said. "I hope he gets well."
"Quit joking around." said Zaraki, glaring at him. The Captain of the 11th Division was a tall, muscular Shinigami with a wild and aggressive appearance, which ironically fit his personality. He had a long face with pronounced cheekbones and hairless brow ridges, and green eyes. His long, stringy black hair was styled into stiff strands with small bells at its tips. He had a long, thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his left eye. In addition to the standard Shihakushou, he wore white bandages across his midsection and a sleeveless captain's haori that had a ragged look to it. He wore a black eye-patch over his right eye and a black choker.
"You think that's why you've been called here?" he continued. "You bastard, I hear you went off on your own play with some Ryoka. Not to mention, the fact you failed to finish them off. 'The hell's wrong with you? Someone with your skills wouldn't break a sweat over five or six Ryoka."
"Oh?" responded Gin, though he didn't seemed fazed at the fact that he had failed to annihilate the intruders. "They ain't dead?"
"What?!" snapped Zaraki.
The 3rd Division Captain rubbed his head while a sheepish look was plastered on his face. "Well, I was sure they was dead." he said. "I guess my intuition done got dull."
The Captain of the 12th Division, Kurotsuchi chuckled at this. "Cut the act." he said. "There's no way someone of captain-class wouldn't be able to sense if an opponent's pulse has disappeared." His face was painted entirely white with the inner portion of his face painted black with the exception of his nose, giving his appearance a skull-like visage. His eyes were gold, and he constantly bore his teeth that gave him the appearance of him constantly smiling. Both his ears seemed to be replaced with stubbed golden cones. His fingernails were blue and short, with the exception of the fingernail on his right middle finger that was as long as the finger itself. He also wore a white hat with two ends that point to his right and a large purple scarf around his neck.
Hitsugaya sighed at the scene. "Here we go again." he muttered. "Another fight between stupid old guys." Although he was the Captain of the 10th Division, he had the appearance of a child. He was a short boy, who had turquoise eyes and short, spikey white hair.He wore a standard sleeveless captain's haori with a green sash around diagonally across his chest that was held together by a round, star-shaped clip, holding his Zanpakutou in place on his back.

Noble Love - Bleach (Kuchiki Byakuya x Oc x A bit of Various)
Fanfiction[Previously titled "Cherry Blossom Illusion"] Yamamoto Asa, the granddaughter of Genryuusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, is one of Soul Society's prodigies. Besides being known as one of the greatest healers, she was the Lieutenant of the 5th Division under...