"The Special Underground Confinement Station, also know as the Maggot's Nest." said Urahara when he, Asa and Kon arrived at the prison located in the north-west section of the 2nd Division's grounds.
"Maggot's Nest?" repeated Kon while following them inside the cave.
"Gotei 13 makes no provision for resignation." explained the cloaked man while walking down a long flight of stairs. "That means that if no records exist after their time in service, this is the only place they could be." When they arrived at the other end of the cave, he opened the red wooden doors to reveal an empty hall.
"There's no one here." noted Kon before following behind the two Shinigami. "There wasn't even a guard at the entrance back there. Doesn't this seem strange?"
"Yes, it does." answered Asa before a frown etched across her face "Because..."
"We thought you might come, Urahara Kisuke, Yamamoto Asa!" came a voice, which belonged to Reigai-Soi Fon who was accompanied by her Lieutenant, who was fitter compared to his real doppelganger. Both of them were standing on the door frame where the three walked through just moments ago. "We've been waiting for you! Today, I'll put an end to you with these hands!"
"Is the Bee Chick and Diet Fatso!" said Kon, alarmed by their presence.
"Who're you calling Diet Fatso?!" yelled Omaeda. "Don't go putting me with that original!"
"Are you ready, Asa-san?" asked Urahara while keeping his gaze on the enemies. "I'll hold them off here."
"Okay." she responded before looking at the Mod Soul. "Let's go, Kon-san."
"Gotcha!" he saluted, hopping onto her shoulder as she began dashing towards the other side of the cave.
"Omaeda, go after them!" ordered Soi Fon.
"Right!" he said before using Flash Step to move away.
"Just as Asa-chan and I thought, this is the place." said Urahara casually with a smile. "This is where Yushima Ouko, the developer of Mod Souls, is."
Soi Fon's glare intensified. "Damn you!" she cussed before grasping onto her Zanpakutou with her right hand. "Sting all Enemies to Death, Suzumebachi!" Once it went into its Shikai form, she advanced using Flash Step to attack Urahara.
Meanwhile, Asa was almost reaching the other side of the cave when Omaeda stood in her way with his Zanpakutou unsheathed. While Kon shrieked in panic, Asa abruptly turned around and ran to the opposite direction with Omaeda following behind, attempting to swing his Zanpakutou at her.
"Sorry, Asa-sama!" he called. "As much as I don't want to hurt you, I need to follow my Captain's orders!"
"It's alright, Omaeda-san." she assured while looking at him over her shoulders. She turned her head back to look in front and saw Urahara getting stabbed by Soi Fon. Asa took this as a cue to grip the hilt of her Zanpakutou as she prepared her next move.
Suddenly, Urahara popped into shreds, revealing that he was a portable Gigai. Asa then immediately unsheathed her Zanpakutou and an orange energy shrouded her and Kon before they disappeared into thin air. By that time, it was already too late for either of them to slow down, as Omaeda crashed into his Captain before they fall backwards, which gave Urahara the right time to strike.
"Shibari, Benihime." With one swing from his Shikai, he launched a tangible blood red net thrown over the Captain and Lieutenant, binding and restricting their movements. When he landed next to the net, he stabbed it with the tip of his Zanpakutou and said, "Hiasobi, Benihime, Juzutsunagi." Orbs of fire were created along the outside of the net, which exploded like linked land-mines in sequence leading toward the trapped Shinigami bound under the net before ending with a bigger explosion.

Noble Love - Bleach (Kuchiki Byakuya x Oc x A bit of Various)
Fanfiction[Previously titled "Cherry Blossom Illusion"] Yamamoto Asa, the granddaughter of Genryuusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, is one of Soul Society's prodigies. Besides being known as one of the greatest healers, she was the Lieutenant of the 5th Division under...